Status: Complete.

Memoirs of a Gay Guy : Till September

Entry : 34

Apparently, Tony lives in my neighborhood. I discovered this when I went to the park with Tommy. He met up with some friends to play baseball and I was mainly there for our parents' sake, so Tommy had some supervision. I was sitting on a bench near the sand pit, not really close to the game but still watching, when someone sat down next to me. So I turned to look and saw that it was Tony.

"Tony?" I said.

"Oh hey. What're you doing here?"

"My brother's playing baseball. Our parents wouldn't let him come without me," I told him.

"Oh that's cool," he said. "I didn't know you had a brother."

"Well I didn't know we lived in the same neighborhood," I countered.

He chuckled. "Good one."

"So what brings you to the park?"

"Oh, my sisters," he said, gesturing to the sand where a cute little girl was digging. As I watched, I saw an identical girl come over with another spade and join the first. Fortunately they weren't dressed the same.

"Twins?" I asked, Mr. Ob(li)vious.

"Yeah, Tony answered. "They're three years old. The one in green is Ashley and the one in orange is Matilda."

"And I'll bet they just love when big brother Tony takes 'em to the park," I said.

He laughed, "Yeah, they do. And I love taking them. I've kind of taken it on myself to be like a father figure to them. Ever since."

He stopped, as if he'd said too much. So I prompted him, "Ever since what?"

"I...," he looked down. "It's kind of personal. But it is what it is and I don't really see any harm in telling you." He turned to face me and continued, "My Dad ran off a couple of years ago. We, me and my Mum, don't know where he's gone, haven't heard from him since and as a result, he doesn't know he has daughters. My Mum didn't find out she was pregnant until two months after he left."

"Wow. Um...thanks for being so honest with me. Talk about Dad problems, eh? My Dad's not around either. My Mom told me once that he hasn't been with us since I was 18 months old. Fin and I have been speculating for years that he's actually still alive." I wasn't sure where that rush of honesty came from, but it felt good to tell him that. To just be able to be open with Tony, for having only known him a few weeks.

He paused a minute, to absorb my information, before asking, "Who's Fin?"

I laughed, "Only my best friend. She's amazing. She and I have been through everything together. You should meet her, I'll drag her to photo one day, before the bell rings."

"Yeah, sure, I'd like that," he said, smiling. Tony's straight right? Maybe he can fix Fin's boyfriend problem. I didn't get to talk to him anymore because Tommy came over to me, winded and sweaty, and told me the game was over. I made quick introductions (Tony, Tommy; Tommy, Tony) before heading home, saying to Tony, "See you around."
♠ ♠ ♠
I just realized how behind this is! It's only March for Will and his friends, while real time, it's June. (In case you didn't know).
I really appreciate the comments the last chapter received! =)
But I would like to take this time to remind you all that I do not post routinely, nor do I especially enjoy typing. I do however have the rest of the story planned out so don't worry, you'll get it all over the summer. So please let me take my time and I hope I get more lovely comments!