Status: Complete.

Memoirs of a Gay Guy : Till September

Entry : 35

Most kids my age go on vacation during March Break. They go visit family or go to some exotic destination or they go to Disneyland. But me? Oh no. Apparently, Fin and I are going to be hanging around Helen's place during March Break. Helen is a crazy lady who runs a day care in her house. She's not literally crazy, she's actually a lot of fun. She's just sort of zany and definitely unique. She used to look after Fin when she was younger and Fin just became more and more attached to her as she got older so now they have a really strong bond. Fin calls Helen her second mother.

In photo class two days ago I asked Jeremy and Tony what they were doing for March Break. Jeremy told me he's going to be camping with his family near Lake Superior and Tony's going to L.A. with his family. When they asked what I was doing I told them I was just going to be hanging around with Fin (which is true). I didn't feel the need to tell them about Helen because she's more Fin's friend than mine. I mean I have met the lady a couple dozen times, but Fin's the one who still visits her every week and calls her up to compare horoscopes.

In art class Fin and I were talking about our March Break plans with Riley. Fin told him all about Helen (complete with unbelievably hilarious stories) and he said that he would be staying in town too. At that point I nearly started jumping up and down inside; nearly. But then he said that he would most likely be, "Chillin' with Amanda most days."

I tried my hardest not to roll my eyes, but Fin noticed. Then she asked, "So, you two are pretty serious then, huh?"

So then Riley said, "Well...not yet really. We've only ever been on one date and we know each other pretty well and all, but all we ever do is hold hands. But I kind of like taking it slow. So how 'bout you two? Are there any lucky boys you've got your eyes on?"

I smiled, because Riley thinks it's really cool that I'm gay. He likes gays, but he doesn't like boys. That's the part that frustrates me. But I answered him anyways, for both Fin and myself. "Actually, there's a guy in my photo class that I want Fin to meet. I think they'd hit it off."

"What about you, Will?" Fin asked, prompting me. Riley leaned forward expectantly.

I said, after some thought, "Yes and no." Fin smiled that all-knowing smile of hers and Riley looked confused. All I could do was look him square in the face and smile, hoping he'd catch on. I had no desire or time to explain because the teacher came over and told us to get back to work. I secretly feel proud that I have finally been able to get him confused for a change.
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I'm gonna really try to get this moving, because Will and Fin are still stuck in March. =P
Thanks for reading!