Status: Complete.

Memoirs of a Gay Guy : Till September

Entry : 36

Last week, I was sitting in the cafeteria with Jeremy and Emma, across from them, and suddenly, just out of nowhere, Emma nudged Jeremy in the side and nodded her chin at something behind me. Jeremy glanced over my shoulder and almost spit out his sandwich he started laughing so hard. Emma soon joined him and I became flustered, looking behind me and back to them, asking, "What, what, what is it? I don't get it. What are you laughing at? Would you please just tell me what's so damn funny!?"

This however only made them laugh harder and they kept pointing to something behind me. All I could see was everyone else in the caf, and in the middle of the room was a large group of grade nine boys, idling, probably waiting for another friend to show up. I couldn't figure out why they were having a giggle fit, so I just sat there and waited for them to calm down before they finally explained.

"Okay," Jeremy said, clearing his throat. "See that kid over there?" He pointed over my shoulder so I turned to look. "The one in the blue, the blonde one," Jeremy continued.

I turned back, "Yeah what about him?"

"He's the rat kid!" Emma exclaimed.

"What?" I turned back to look at this poor kid.

"Well," Jeremy began.

"Please Jem, let me explain," Emma said. He nodded and she continued. "See, we first saw him about three months ago and I was like, 'Jem, what's up with that kid?' and he said, 'What do you mean, he's just some kid.' So I kept looking at him and then it came to me! He looks like a rat!"

I looked back at this kid and his friends and studied them a bit. "He does," I agreed. "And one of his friends looks like a mouse."

"Seriously?" Jeremy asked. "Which one?"

"The short one," I said. "In the green."

This brought on a new bout of laughter from the two of them that kept the mood light for the rest of lunchtime. Then the next day I was eating lunch with Fin and Riley in front of our lockers and the rat kid walked by. I started laughing and this time it was them who didn't get it. So I explained to them about this kid in grade nine who looks like a rat and his friend who looks like a mouse.

Riley chuckled some but Fin walloped my arm and scolded me for saying such things. "How could you say that? It's not his fault he sort of kind of looks like a rodent. You shouldn't be laughing at him."

But I only felt half-way bad about laughing at this grade nine kid who has no clue. Only half-way because I bet that there were upperclassmen who made fun of Fin and I when we were in grade nine last year.

Then in photography class, the rat kid came into my classroom to ask the teacher to borrow our projector and Jeremy and I both began to laugh. Tony just sort of stared at us and that made us laugh harder. After we calmed down we explained why we were laughing. But Tony didn't find the whole 'rat kid' thing as funny as we did. Not to say that he thought less of us for it, he only chuckled slightly and agreed that this kid really does look like a rat.

I feel like I'm a little bit closer to Jeremy now that we have our very own inside joke. Even though other people know about it, I still feel like it's kind of our joke. It's even gotten to the point where we don't even have to say anything, we just walk by this poor kid and we're both laughing. We see him all the time because his locker's in the same hallway as our photo class.

In fact, today as we walked by him, Fin was with us and she pointed out that probably every person looks like some kind of animal, if you take the time to notice. This kid just happens to have more prominent animalistic features. Her observation caused me to point out that I often see animal faces in cars too. She and Jeremy both laughed at me for that one, but stopped when they realized I was serious.

I didn't realize at the time that it was choice teasing material for Fin. Earlier tonight we were watching Gran Torino in my basement to cap off the last school day before March Break. At one point, when we saw a good view of the car, she asked, "So what face does Walt's ol' Gran Torino have?" and then laughed to herself.

I briefly contemplated if I should answer her honestly or just tell her to shut up, so I did both. I said, "Oh shut up, it's obviously some kind of jungle cat, waiting to pounce on it's unsuspecting prey. Gosh!" Yeah, that really made her think twice.
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Yeah, so, I really should be sleeping. But it's summer break and I'm already up and I felt like putting this out for all of you darling readers! Plus, it totally helps that we reached 70 [count 'em] 70 comments!!! <3
P.S. Plz don't hate just because Will and his friends are making fun of some kid with an unfortunate face. I bet you've done it too.