Status: Complete.

Memoirs of a Gay Guy : Till September

Entry : 37

Today marks day three of me and Fin's March Break at Helen's. So far, it's proven to be a pretty fun time. The best part is, she and I will have loads of amusing stories stories to tell when we get back to school.

Helen decided at the beginning of the week that all the kids would do a papier-mâché project, including Fin and I. Two of the kids are doing spiders, one is doing a pig, another is doing a snake, Fin's doing a mouse and I opted out. So everyday when they work on theirs, I just sit and help the younger kids and chat with Fin. I think being at Helen's place is a really great way to spend March Break because there's so much activity it's hard to get bored and there's always good music playing.

Like today, for example, Helen had on a really great female artist and when when I asked who it was she told me her name was Adele. So when I got home I downloaded her CD and now I can't stop listening to it. I've got to tell Riley and Jeremy about her!

Speaking of them, as much fun as Helen's is, I really can't wait to go back to school and see them. I want to hear all about how their breaks went. I've been texting them both a little bit each day and all I've gathered is that Riley still hasn't kissed Amanda (as of yesterday) and that Lake Superior is 'superior' to Lake Ontario. Thank Jeremy's Dad for the pun.

Not being around either Riley or Jeremy for this many days has left me a lot of time to think about them. I think I could handle it if Riley started going steady with Amanda, I really do. I have now accepted that he and I will never be, so I think we'll be okay. Jeremy on the other hand, is a very real possibility. We are already pretty good friends but I've been saying for weeks that I don't like him. Gosh if Fin read this I think she'd just about have a conniption! I've been thinking lately that maybe I could like him.

Look at me, focusing on romance. I think that my New Year's resolution has been effectively shot to hell.
♠ ♠ ♠
What's this? Another update? Why yes, yes it is!
Sorry, but I feel a little bit proud for getting this out so soon after the last one, considering my past updating 'schedule'. Also I felt a big THANK YOU! was in order for giving me lots of positive feedback for the last entry! It was so exciting to see that many comments after only one day! I love all you readers! <3