Status: Complete.

Memoirs of a Gay Guy : Till September

Entry : 39

Today, the Friday of all Friday's I was invited to go to Riley's house after school. I know, right? I'm way excited. He just leaned over to me in history class today, all casual and whatever. He said, "Hey, Will, do you wanna come over to my house after school?" And I actually just sat there for a few seconds thinking about how to answer him. Of course I wanted to go, but I didn't want to seem overly excited or too eager. So I'm pretty sure I just said, "," and finished with a smile.

Then he said, "Great! It's my birthday on Monday and my parents said I could invite a friend for dinner."

"And you picked me?" I asked. I couldn't believe it. I still can't believe it.

"Well, yeah, of course. Of the few friends I made this year, you were the first and I know you the best. So you can walk home with me after school and we'll have a couple of hours to ourselves before my parents get home."

As if I wasn't nervous enough already, he just had to say, 'a few ours to ourselves.' I mean, my first time at his house and it's for his birthday dinner, preceded by one-on-one time. But I just swallowed my anxiety and said, "Great."

Then at lunch I told Fin all about it before Riley came to our lockers. I told her how nervous I was and all she said was, "Will, quit your bellyaching, you're gonna be fine. I don't know why you're so nervous anyways, it's not like you like him anymore, right?"

"Shhh! I don't exactly want that broadcast in the hallways, thanks," I said, even though she hadn't said it loudly. Nerves affect my attitude. "But no, I don't like him anymore. I'm just nervous because I...I...want his family to like me." It was only half a lie.

"Well there's no reason why they wouldn't, you're pretty awesome," she told me, smiling. "Unless there's an imaginary reason that your tweaked out brain has conjured up, so tell me, really, why are you nervous?"

I sighed and said, "What if it's weird? Because, like, it's sort of unusual for a straight guy to be friends with a gay guy. What if his parents have a problem with that? What if they tell Riley never to see me again?!"

"Pfft!" she scoffed. "So you're worried they might be homophobes? Well I can't honestly tell you that they aren't, but even if they are, it won't affect you and Riley, trust me. And as for gay vs. straight, it's not so uncommon anymore. I mean, look at Jeremy and what's-his-face you told me about...?"


"Yeah! Jeremy's gay, Tony's straight, and you told me they've been friends forever, so you shouldn't have anything to worry about with Riley. You met him on day one and you were both instantly captivated by the other. For the first week of school all I kept hearing about was Riley this and Riley that, and now look at you. You're practically best friends! But sadly, that official position is already taken," she winked here. "And as for not seeing you again, that would be insanely difficult, seeing as he's in two of your classes and we eat lunch together everyday. Speaking of which, here he comes now." She pointed over my shoulder and when I turned around I saw that Riley was in fact coming towards us down the hallway.

"Hey guys," he said. "Where to today?" Recently we've been eating lunch in a different place everyday. Except on days when we're feeling especially lazy, we just sit in front of our lockers.

But today Fin said, "The big window in the E-wing!"

So that's where we went. We managed to avoid the cause of my mini-meltdown until the end of the lunch period when Fin said, "So Riley, I hear it's you birthday on Monday. Why are we just hearing about this now?"

He smiled cheekily, cutely, and said, "Well I was afraid you'd go all Martha Stewart on my ass and decorate my locker, get a cake and streamers and and then have a mini-birthday party in the hallway at lunch."

This made me laugh so I almost choked on my apple juice. Riley thumped me on the back as I said between coughs, "That her too."

Fin looked indignant for about three seconds and said, "Is not! But since you're the one who said it, I may end up doing just that." Then the warning bell rang, signaling us to go back to our lockers to get our books for the next class. So we all stood up and since Riley didn't have any of his afternoon classes with us, he said, "See you Monday!" before taking off for his locker.

I looked over at Fin with my nervousness renewed and all she said was, "Oh, Will, don't be such a pansy," which certainly didn't help much.
♠ ♠ ♠
=D I got the new Rob Thomas CD today! Celebrate with me!
Ha, don't you just love me? Setting up this Riley + Will = birthday dinner situation and then leaving you hanging! Sorry =/ I promise it won't be a long wait, I'm really excited to get it up.