Status: Complete.

Memoirs of a Gay Guy : Till September

Entry : 41

I feel today like this journal is the only place that I can make myself understood. I feel like I can't explain myself to anybody today, not even Fin. Ever since I introduced her to Tony they've been spending almost every lunch period together. I mean, it's great that they hit it off so perfectly but I've barely even seen her this week. What's worse is that Riley, who I would normally talk to about Fin problems, is too busy entertaining Amanda. By the way they act around each other at lunch now, I've got to say, if they still haven't kissed yet one of them must be gay. But Riley isn't and there's no way Amanda is so I guess that means...ew.

Why does everyone have someone but me?

Oh great now that makes me sound pathetic. It's not that I am desperate to find a boyfriend, I'm just not happy with how much of Riley and Fin's time Amanda and Tony are taking up. I miss my friends!

I feel like the only person I can talk to now is Jeremy. He doesn't have a boyfriend either and he was once in a similar position as I am.

"I had a boyfriend in grade 9," Emma told me today, "and Jem got so steamed at me 'cause I was spending all my time with him." I ate lunch with Jeremy and Emma today because Riley and Fin disappeared.

"Oh c'mon," Jeremy argued, "I wasn't that bad."

"Oh yes you were! You almost threw something you were so ticked."

"What?! No I didn't"

"Did so."

"What did he almost throw?" I asked.

"A pillow," Emma told me. "He was this close to hurling that thing at me," she held up her fingers, showing a small space between them, to illustrate her point.

"Oh my gosh, as if a pillow would have hurt anyways," Jeremy said.

"Oh shut up. Look Will, the point is, you gotta be forthright and honest with both of them. Let them know how you feel soon, or else you'll end up throwing things like Jem here," Emma told me.

"Almost throwing things," Jeremy corrected. "Oh and it looks like you can take that chance now." He nodded behind me and I turned to see Fin headed towards us. I excused myself and met her before she reached our table.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Why weren't you at our lockers? I feel like I haven't seen you all week. You've been spending an awful lot of time with Jeremy."

"Well that's only because you and Riley haven't really been around," I told her bitingly.

"Well excuse me for admitting that I like someone and I want to spend time with him. It would be nice if you could only do the same," was her reply.

"Fin, you're my best friend, you know I tell you everything. I don't like anyone! I've just been missing you this week," I told her. Though in my gut, I knew I was lying about the first part.

"You should have said something," she said.

"I'm saying it now," I shrugged.

"Oh Will, I'm sorry." She looked as if she was about to cry. Then she hugged me and I assured her that things were okay. Then, after all that, she said, "Well I'm glad you're feeling better. I've got to get back, Tony's waiting for me."

Then she left with a quick goodbye and a small wave so I went back to Jeremy and Emma feeling more confused than ever.
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Holy shit guyz!!! Almost up to 100 comments! I can hardly believe it. I'm so happy with the reception my little story has received and I'm just so glad that so many people like it and take the time to read it. Thank you all so much for making it such a success! BTW, 9 entries left, but who's counting? ;)