Status: Complete.

Memoirs of a Gay Guy : Till September

Entry : 42

I talked to Judy about the whole Riley/Amanda, Fin/Tony...thing and she said that this is a classic case of being a third wheel. Or in my case it's more like a fifth wheel. But because Fin and Riley are already good friends with me, they feel like they can spend more time getting to know their potential 'mates' (Judy's word, not mine). This explanation seemed sensible to me and at least I know now that Fin and Riley aren't purposely trying to make me feel like they don't want to spend time with me.

But I got to spend time with them both today at GSA. The 'All the World is Gay' campaign is really starting to gain momentum. We've already gotten some posters up around the school with our logo saying, "T-shirts coming soon!" We've got the boxes of shirts in Mr. Munroe's classroom and we'll start selling them next week. We've got three different sizes and two boxes of each size with thirty shirts in each box. Today all the members of GSA got to keep a shirt, since we paid for them to begin with.

Also, Jeremy invited Tony to come and take promotional pictures of us wearing the shirts. He took pictures with one or two people at a time. I'm not sure how many he got in total but we're only going to use the best five to make posters out of.The whole thing was really fun, it was kind of like a photoshoot. Tony got pictures of boys with girls, boys with boys and girls with girls, all in different poses. He got one of Fin and I where she has her back to my chest and I have my arms around her shoulders. Even if we don't use that one for a poster I'm going to ask Tony for a copy, I just love it.

In between shots, Tony was often chatting with Fin, and I must admit, they really are cute together. When he wasn't chatting with Fin, he was whispering with Jeremy. One time I caught them looking at me and I heard Tony say, "Ok, do it."

Then Jeremy walked over to me and asked, "Hey Will, wanna take a photo with me?" I gladly accepted and then Tony got his camera ready and asked us to hold hands. He'd asked other people to do that too, because the whole goal is to suuport homosexual relationships, so I took Jeremy's hand in mine. Then at the last second, right when Tony snapped the shot, Jeremy leaned over and kissed my cheek. I blushed and looked down and I swear I heard Fin squeal.

I've got to admit that it will probably make a really great photo. After Tony snapped it, Jeremy and I stood there silently, smiling and still holding hands, before Mr. Munroe interrupted our moment. He said that that was the perfect shot to end today's meeting with and he was proud of all of us for working so hard. So he dismissed everyone and before I could get a word out to Jeremy, Fin and Riley were dragging me out the door.

"Oh my gosh!" Fin said. "Did you guys plan that?"

"Well, I think he did, but I had no idea he would do that," I answered.

They were leading me out of the school to catch our bus home.

"So he just did it without knowing what you'd make of it?" Riley said. "Just like that? Man, that takes balls."

Fin hit his arm and told him, "Now, now, there's no need to be vulgar. Though you are right, cudos to Jeremy on that one."

"But wait, that's not even the most important part," Riley stated. "Since he didn't know how you'd react it was bound to be a surprise. So now the question is, did you like it?" he asked me.

Yes. I did. No thinking, no hesitating. I loved the way it had made me feel tingly and sort of light-headed at the same time. But I didn't tell them that, how could I? I would never hear the end of it from Fin. So I just said, "I uh...I don't know. I'm confused," which seemed to satisfy somewhat.

But for the rest of the bus ride home all I could think about was that kiss. I liked it, a lot, but what does that mean? Do I like Jeremy?
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I love this entry! I really do. It's so cute how clueless our leading man is, ain't it?