Status: Complete.

Memoirs of a Gay Guy : Till September

Entry : 46

Another semester, another exam schedule. But at least I've only got two exams this time. My first one, English, is on the Tuesday of exam week. My history exam is the next day so I'll be totally done pretty early. Fin has the same two exams as I do so she'll be done too. Only Riley has an exam the day after our last one so we'll have to wait for him to officially start summer break.

As sort of a 'last goodbye', the school is having an end of year assembly, featuring some student and teacher performances. But the assembly isn't for another two weeks. Even though it doesn't seem like a long time, it just won't come fast enough. Fin even wrote a song that she's going to perform, but she won't even let me hear it or see the lyrics. All she's told me is that it's about our year, so I'll have to wait and see.

In the mean time, I still have two summative projects to finish and exams to study for. The summative project in photo class has been done for a while. The assignment was to hand in a photo that we feel exhibits our best photographic skill. The photo could be one that we take specifically for our summative, or one that we've already taken, but we can't use one that was taken for a different assignment, so it has to be one that our teacher's never seen before. The photo also has to exhibit at least three of the principles, elements and techniques of photography that we used this year. For mine I handed in a photo of a daffodil from my garden. The photo has emphasis and balance and I hand-tinted it so I think it'll get a pretty good mark.

The wide range of freedom in this project allowed for a subject matter of almost anything. Like Tony, for instance, decided to hand in the photo of Jeremy and I that he took at the GSA photo shoot, the one where he kissed my cheek, but of course he asked both of us before he handed it in. He called me over from the other side of the photo classroom the other day saying, "Hey Will, c'mere a minute."

So I went over to see what he and Jeremy were huddled around and saw the photo in his hands.

"Uhm...what're you doing with that?" I asked.

"What, you mean this?" Tony said, holding it up in front of my face.

I shoved it away and hissed, "Hey, someone's gonna see."

"That's kind of the point," Tony told me. "I want everybody to see it," he said, sweeping his arms over the room.

"But -," I started.

"What Tony means," Jeremy cut in, "is that he wants to hand in it for his summative, but thought he'd better ask us about it first. I don't have any problem with it, do you?"

This caught me off guard. My initial gut reaction was that 'Yes, I do have a problem with it.' But since Jeremy didn't, I didn't want to seem like a...well for lack of a better word, like a pansy. I think what came out was, "I uh...well I...yeah maybe...?"

Tony sighed and said to Jeremy, "I'll wait at our table. Would you please talk some sense into your boy," before walking over to our table.

Did he just call me Jeremy's boy?

Jeremy leaned on the table we stood at and asked me, "So what's the problem then, eh?"

"Well I guess I just don't want people to see that picture. Not that I don't like it or anything, because I really do," I smiled at him. "But I-I'm new to this and -"

"New to what, Will? To having people see your photograph? To having your picture taken with another person? Or having your sexuality put on display like that?"

"That last one," I whispered.

He paused before saying, "I can understand that. But the thing is it shouldn't matter anymore. We're both gay, we both know it and we both shouldn't care if other people know it. That's all I'm saying."

I almost felt like laughing. "Well when you put it like that it makes it seem like I'm being a pansy about it."

"So does that mean Tony can use the photo?" he asked.

I nodded and said, "It really is a great picture."

I mean that every time I say it. Tony has such tremendous photographic skill, I just hope he realizes it. It was so worth it to have him take photos for our GSA posters. Speaking of GSA, we sold all of our 'All the World is Gay' merch in two weeks! Mr. Munroe was so happy, he gave us a party. He said that half the money we raised will go to the school and the other half will go to our city's Gay and Lesbian centre. Mr. Munroe told us that the Gay and Lesbian centre is sort of like one huge GSA, but for the whole city. It's a place where gays, lesbians, their family and friends can go to find solace, support and comfort. It's great.
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Isn't it interesting how it started with exams and ended with Jeremy? =)