Status: Complete.

Memoirs of a Gay Guy : Till September

Entry : 47

I finally told her. A week of school left and I finally told her. Well, better late than never I guess. Anyway, she came over after school and we went for a walk to this one spot that we always like to go to. It's a little grassy hill beside a parking lot on the edge of the neighborhood. Might not sound like much, but we love it.

When we got there the sun was beginning to set and I laid down on the grass while Fin stood and started playing around on her yo-yo. We didn't really say anything, but we didn't need to. It was enough to just be there together, y'know?

So then after about 20 minutes, I heard a car drive by and Fin said, "Ugh."

I sat up and said, "What?"

"That guy just threw a beer can out his window. And he just threw another one! So not only is he littering, but he's driving impaired! Why I oughta..."

"What?" I said, "Pick it up and throw it back?"

"Yeah!" She took three steps. "But I won't." She turned around and came to stand over me.

"Move," I said, "you're blocking my sun."

"Will." She sounded serious so I looked up at her. "promise me that you will never date or even like a jerk like that."

I saw an opportunity.

"Well," I said carefully, "Jeremy's not a jerk and he doesn't drink so for now you've got nothing to worry about."

"Yeah you're right. He's a really nice guy, he - wait! Will! Are you saying that you like him?!"

I nodded.

She squealed and I swear I heard a dog start barking from the street.

"Oh my gosh! I can't believe this!" She sat down beside me and hit my shoulder. "Why did you not tell me sooner?"

"I wasn't certain until just recently."


I think she was surprised at how reserved I was being about it. Then she said something I wasn't expecting.

"Does Riley know?"

I sat up so I could look at her properly, study her face. She avoided my gaze and said, "Well, 'cause I know you used to like him but now he's like your guy-best friend so..."

I studied her for a while longer and said finally, "No. No, he doesn't know. But I s'pose should tell him, eh?"

She nodded, squinting on account of the setting sun.

After that we were quiet for a while until eventually we stood up to go back to my house. But before we began to walk, Fin hugged me, really hugged me, and kissed my cheek as she drew away.

"What for?" I asked.

"Felt right," she said.

And that was enough.
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I think I may be an insomniac. I'm gonna be totally jaded tomorrow [or technically today]. So this is what I do when I'm up late at night =)