Status: Complete.

Memoirs of a Gay Guy : Till September

Entry : 48

I've hardly had any time to myself lately, just 'me time'. This week has been so busy with getting projects in to my teachers. The photo summative has been done for weeks so we've been able to have 'studio time' where we can basically just use the darkroom at our leisure and take tons of photos. That's the only class I've been looking forward to lately. In history the summative is a three page essay on something we studied in the course and we also have to give a presentation on our topic. I've already done mine but sitting through 26 others is really quite dull, I'm not gonna lie. It's practically the same thing in English except amplified because our essays are on books that our teacher assigned to us.

So since I'm practically done everything, I've been studying in class and at home. I've even made a study schedule, but it seems I've neglected to schedule any free time. I'll have to redo it.

On a more positive note the last day of school is in sight! Fin keeps telling us how we're gonna just love her song, but she won't tell us anything else about it. Even when we were at my house to study history, she just wouldn't stop talking about it.

She left the room for a few minutes to grab a snack and Riley and I just looked at each other and sighed.

"I don't know what I'm gonna do if I have to hear her say how awesome her song is one more time," he said.

"She's doing this on purpose y'know," I told him. "The more she talks about it, the more we won't be able to get the idea out of our heads. Then, no matter how annoying she gets, we won't be able to resist going to the assembly just to hear her song."

He sighed again. "You're right, you're right. I know you're right."

To which I smiled cheekily and told him, "I generally am."

He smiled back and I couldn't help but notice a tinge of pink in his cheeks. He's cute when he blushes.

Then Fin walked back into the room with a plate of crackers and cheese and a few sodas and said, "My ears are burning."

"Huh?" Riley said.

"Were you guys talking about me?" she asked.

"Who us? No way," I told her. "We were just discussing the stock market crash and it's effects on American and Canadian life from the 1930's to the present. Right Riley?"

He looked at me for a second before going, "Oh yeah, that's right. Lots of shit went down and uh, now it's better," finishing with that winning smile of his.

It was obvious that Fin didn't exactly buy this. But seeing as she was stuck with the word of two grinning idiots, she didn't challenge it.

Later, after Fin had gone home, Riley and I were waiting on my front step for his parents to pick him up. "So what're your evening plans then?" I asked him.

"Oh I'm going over to Amanda's for dinner. I reckon it's going to get a bit awkward, what with it being my first time meeting her parents and all. But she's assured me that they won't try too hard to scare me off," he said with a chuckle.

I laughed with him and said, "Well I haven't had the misfortune of that experience."

"Oh I'm sure you will. All in due time my friend, all in due time."

"Well, see, that's the thing. Y'know how you've got Amanda and Fin's got Tony and..."

"And you'll get Jeremy?"

"Uhm...what are you talking about?" I'm not a good liar and it sure as hell doesn't help that talking about Jeremy makes me blush.

"I'm talking about your crush on Jeremy. Fin told me, but please don't get on her case, it was just too good news not to share, y'know?"

I was flabbergasted. How could she tell him?

How could she not? It saved me the trouble of doing it. And what's better is that he seemed to have taken it well.

We looked at each other and he placed a hand on my shoulder as if to say, "I'm happy for you." But I noticed his half-hearted grin and couldn't help but wonder where the other half of his heart was.

But before I could get a word out a car drove up and Riley turned around, saying, "Well, that's my Mom." He thumped me on the shoulder and said, "See you tomorrow. Bye!"

And as soon as he was gone I ran inside to call Fin.

I started by saying that I'm not mad that she told him, but on the contrary somewhat relieved. He seemed to me to have taken it well but I asked her how he reacted when she told him and she described the same sort of crooked grin that he'd given me. I didn't know what to make of it, but Fin's theory is that he's sad because he feels like he's losing me. To which I said, "Losing me? But he never really had me in the first place."

She said, "Maybe that's what hurts the most."

And for once, I couldn't argue.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I did promise a double update and this is the first half. I first posted this around 2am [because I'm an insomniac like that] but I revised and edited the ending and I like it a lot better now. Comments would be perfection [and also incentive to post the next chapter earlier]. But for now I'm going to aim for 7pm eastern for the next entry.