Status: Complete.

Memoirs of a Gay Guy : Till September

Entry : 49

I'm done, I'm done, I'm totally done! Well, my first exam anyways. But I've only got one more to go. Today's was English and I feel really good about it. Mostly because for the essay portion I wrote three and a half pages when the minimum was two.

After I finished I went to the cafeteria to find Fin because she and I had made plans to go out to lunch after the exam. When I got there I found her talking with Emma. Jeremy's best friend Emma. Jeremy, my crush's, best friend Emma.

Wow, I still get a rush whenever I say that. I can't believe that I have a real crush, on a real boy who Fin thinks likes me too. Oh great, now I'm letting her get to me. Though, to her credit, she did see this coming. Gotta love her.

So I sat across form Fin and said, "So what're we talking about?"

They both looked like they wanted to giggle. They looked from me to each other and back again. I was looking from one to the other with a confused look and this went on for the better part of two minutes. So finally I said, "What?!"

"Should we tell him?" Emma asked.

Fin nodded.

"Will, darling." The last time she called me 'darling' it followed with the news that she'd lost my favorite sweater. How do you lose a sweater?

"Emma and I," she continued, "were just planning you and Jeremy's wedding."

And that's when she and Emma actually burst into fits of giggles. I rolled my eyes at their immaturity at first, but then I registered what Fin had told me.

"Our wedding?" I asked, incredulous. "Aren't you getting a little ahead of yourselves? I mean, who's to say if he even likes me."

"Oh, he does. Trust me," Emma assured me.

"H-he does? He's told you?" I was afraid to get my hopes up too soon.

"Well, not in so many words..." she started. I groaned, but she said, "But he talks about you all the time! He tells me whenever he sees you in the halls, he tells me what you say to him that's funny, he even tells me when he likes what you're wearing. Trust me, Jem likes you!"

And as if to support these statements, Fin added, "Yeah you do have a really great sense of style."

I was speechless. Emma and Fin just laughed and dragged me outside to get lunch. I barely even remember the rest of the day. Though I am aware of eating lunch, busing home and hugging Fin when she told me she'd see me tomorrow. Tomorrow is our last exam and Emma told us that it's Jeremy's too. So he'll be there, he'll have spoken with Emma and he'll want to talk to me. Oh boy. This oughta be good.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so I realize that this one is pretty short [at least by my standards] but I still really like it & I hope you all like it too. Will is so helpless it's cute!
OMG can you believe it's almost over?! Entry 50 on Friday! Oh, and Bethanito made me a wonderful banner, so now I'd like some help: which one do you like better?