Status: Complete.

Memoirs of a Gay Guy : Till September

Entry : 5

The next day at school I did actually sign up for GSA. The first meeting wasn't until yesterday though. Fin asked me if I wanted her to join, "for moral support." But I told her that I wasn't planning on sharing that bit of information with the club, so instead she went out for the rugby team. Go figure.

Anyways, you'll never guess who I saw at GSA! Okay, maybe you can guess...Riley! When I walked in the room he was talking to some blond guy from my math class named Travis. I watched the conversation from across the room and waited for a lull before I went over to them.

"Hey," I said. I made it sound like it was directed to both of them but I made sure to lock eyes with Riley for a few seconds before glancing at Travis too.

"Hi Will," Riley said. I love how he says my name. Most people just say it like it a verb? Just 'will'. But the way Riley says it...I don't know, it's just different somehow. So then Travis said hi and I was just starting to say something when Mr. Munroe, the club leader, told us all to take a seat. On the outside I just smiled and took a seat in the circle of chairs with everyone else. But on the inside I felt him in the face or something. Well, no, that's a bit harsh. But I wasn't pleased that he had effectively ruined what could have turned into a conversation with Riley.

I was hoping that maybe I would get to sit next to Riley but I had no such luck. Instead, sitting next to me was Amy-fucking-Carlyle. I could not believe that she was even there. For the whole of 7th and 8th grade, Amy had tormented Fin every single day. I can't really describe much of it because it was mostly verbal abuse. You know how bitchy some girls can be? Well Amy's a bitch and she and Fin hate each other. I bet the only reason she was at GSA was to scoff at all the queers.

Anyways, Riley ended up sitting directly across from me which wasn't so bad after all. He noticed me sitting across from him and so for the whole meeting he was imitating Mr. Munroe to me, who is very animated when he talks. I had to keep from busting a gut every time Riley imitated him.

After the meeting I wanted to try and talk to Riley again but he got out of the room before I did and disappeared down the hallway. So I went back to my locker to wait for Fin, whose locker is ever so conveniently right next to mine. She had rugby practice after school so I had expected her to be done around the same time the GSA meeting was. Sure enough, Fin came 'round the corner a few minutes later, and began talking a mile-a-minute about how all the other rugby girls were prissy air-heads who knew nothing about game strategy. I didn't even get to tell her anything about my GSA meeting until we had already taken one bus and were waiting on another at the Station. Yeah that's the name of our town's biggest transit station, real original, I know. It's in the center of town and just about every bus route stops there. Even the buses that go to the outskirts.

While we were waiting, I began to finally tell Fin about the GSA meeting. "You'll never guess who I saw at GSA," I said.

Then she exlaimed, "Amy-fucking-Carlyle!" with a look of hatred.

"Yeah," I said, "How'd you know?"

"No, Will, look," she pointed behind me and I turned and sure enough, there was Amy. She was far enough away that she didn't hear Fin say her name but close enough that we could definitely tell that it was her. But what made Fin and I so intersted was that she was standing with another girl, one we didn't recognize...and they were holding hands.

"Hey Will?" Fin said.

"Yeah," I said, still transfixed by Amy.

"You said you saw her at GSA?"

"Yeah," I confirmed.

"Huh," she said. "Small world."