Status: Complete.

Memoirs of a Gay Guy : Till September

Entry : 7

A few days after almost being caught by my mother talking with Fin about my sexuality, I was back at school. Actually, this entry has nothing to do with my day at school, but more so to do with the lunch break. So, during lunch, Fin and I were at the grocery store that was down the street from our school buying various supplies to make sandwiches with. I was getting a bun, a slice of pastrami and a slice of Swiss cheese. Thank goodness for deli counters that let you buy singles. So I was holding my food and Fin...well actually she had opted for a box of Pop-Tarts. I know.

Anyways, on our way through the check out, who should be in line directly behind us but Riley?

"Oh, hiya Will," he said, smiling brightly. I turned around and smiled back at him. Have I mentioned that I love the way he says my name? After about five seconds of just standing there, smiling stupidly, Fin elbowed me in the ribs. Suppressing a cry of pain, I managed a meek, "Hello Riley."

Then Fin chimed in, "Hey Riley, how's it going? Will and I are just buying lunch." She displayed her box of Pop-Tarts proudly.

Riley chuckled and said, "Nice lunch. I'm buying an apple and a Gatorade."

"What kind of apple?" I said. He looked at me in an...interesting way. As if he was surprised that I would think to ask that.

"Gala," he answered.

I nearly freaked out. Nearly.

"No way! That's my favorite kind of apple!"

He grinned at my enthusiasm and said, "Me too."

When we were walking through the parking lot, I saw Jerry, way on the other side, get out of his car with Tommy and walk towards the store. I knew Jerry had the day off and I guess he went and got Tommy during his lunchtime to help him buy groceries. When I got home after school today my mom was extremely pleased to see dinner on the table and the pantry and fridge both stocked with food, courtesy of Jerry.

Anyways, when I saw Jerry, Riley saw him too. First, I have to explain the kind of guy Jerry is, or rather how his appearance might imply what kind of guy he is. Y'see, Jerry's a biker, and I'm talking leather jacket wearing, long hair and bandanna bearing, AC/DC listening hardcore biker dude.At least, that's the appearance he likes to keep up. But he's a really great guy and he cares a lot about my mom and I so he's good in my books. Besides, his intense biker dude look fits perfectly in the garage where he works.

So when Riley saw Jerry and Tommy get out of the car he said, "Now there's something you don't see every day," and pointed to them. Fin caught my eye and we shared a knowing smile. Riley said, "A really intense looking biker dude getting out of a Ford Focus with an eight year old. It gives me a new appreciation for bikers."I didn't laugh, though I wanted to, just because Riley didn't know that he was talking about my family. So I only said, "Actually, he's nine." He stared at me, so I explained, "That was my step-father and my half-brother. I'm glad you appreciate my step-father's display of atypical parenthood," I said with a smile.

We shared a laugh.
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Two chapters in one day?! No way! But it's true!
Feedback plz ppls?
