Status: Complete.

Memoirs of a Gay Guy : Till September

Entry : 9

I haven't told Fin about the Coming Out party yet because after yesterday's GSA meeting I had to make a speedy exit to be on time for my dentist appointment. Usually I bus home with Fin after GSA because she always had rugby practice on the same day.

When I showed up at my dentist, I was pleased to see that there was no one else there, which meant no waiting. So as soon as the receptionist saw me, she ushered me into the back room to sit in the funny chair and wait for Dr. Adley. But if you've ever been to the dentist before then you know that the hygienist always comes in first, to make sure that your mouth is clean for the dentist.

So the hygienist came in, I don't know her name, but she knew mine, and she got down to business. She started with the little mirror and the tiny scraper and at the same time she was trying to hold a conversation with me. I don't know how she thought I could speak understandably with these metal apparatuses in my mouth.But she persisted, and what's weird is, she understood what I said. I only know this because she would repeat my answer before asking another question.

It all went down something like this:

"So, William, what school do to go to?"


"Oh, A. Y. Jackson, really? And what's your favorite class?"


"Drama? Oh, that's wonderful. And outside of school, do you have any hobbies?"

"Gutch algythidun ba brova."

"Just babysitting your brother? Nothing else?"

You get the picture. When she was almost done with the scraper thingy, she poked it into my gums and I said, "Ow." She said, in a curt tone, "Relax." Shyeah, that helped.

So after she was finally done, the dentist came in and all she did was take a few x-rays, poke around in my mouth a little and tell me that my teeth were fine and I just needed to floss more. The bill was $112.

So I made my way out of the office and got my cellphone out as I was walking down the hall to the elevator. I was planning on calling Fin to tell her about the Coming Out party. I pushed the down button for the elevator and when the doors opened I was met with a familiar face : Riley.

He smiled and my knees almost buckled.

"Hey Will," he said, "watcha doing here?"

I quickly composed myself before entering the elevator and saying, "Well, Riley, I was just going to ask you the same question."

"Oh," he said, "I'm here because I was seeing my optometrist, two floors up."

Figures. It is only the biggest medical building in town.

"So what about you?" he asked, as we began our descent.

"My dentist, on the third floor."

Just then the doors opened and we both exited on the ground floor and walked outside to stand in front of the building. That's when he noticed my phone in my hand.

"Hey, you've got a cell!"

"Uh, yeah, I was actually just gonna call Fin and tell her about the Coming Out party," I told him.

"Well speaking of that, we're going to have to be spending some time together to start planning it, so," he took my phone from my hands and punched in some numbers, "here."

When he handed it back I saw a 10 digit phone number on the screen.

"That's my cell number," he explained. "So we can text or whatever."

I smiled at the 10 little digits shining up at me and hit "store" and gave them Riley's name.

Then a car honked from somewhere behind us and Riley looked over his shoulder, saying, "There's my ride."

"All right then, I guess I'll see you tomorrow," I said.

"Yup," he smiled. The car that had honked pulled up beside us and Riley waved and called, "Bye Will," before ducking inside.