Sequel: Love Always Remains
Status: FINISHED! Sequel 'Love Always Remains' has been posted!

The Words to Define These Feelings

Not your ordinary 9 to 5

Paige's POV

Friday. The best day of the week, for sure. I typed in the code to the door at the Alternative Press office door and walked over to my desk where my co-worker Phoebe jumped up out of my chair.

“Hey! Mike's got a new assignment for us. He said we should drop by his office at 10 to get the low-down,” She paused, “I'm excited, I overheard him saying something about us going on tour.”

“Really? Hmm, sounds promising,” I smiled.

“Ya think!?!” Phoebe sauntered out from behind the desk, “I have to go call people about setting up All Time Low's photoshoot. Remember, 10 o'clock, be there,” Phoebe skipped off to her desk ten feet away from mine and I sat down in my chair with a laugh.

Phoebe and I were two of the youngest members of the Alternative Press Magazine staff. We were hired individually in the same month, and we were quickly assigned to be a duo. Our spreads combined Phoebe's fresh take on photojournalism with my way with words. Our boss Mike says it's our young age that helps us relate to the artists we feature in a way that no one else can. We're both only 21 years old, hired fresh out of college. We became fast friends and roommates, because neither one of us knew anyone in Cleveland before we moved there to work for the magazine. We get some of the most in-depth features because we are willing and able to travel anywhere for a story. So bascially, we make an awesome team.

I sighed, putting my feet up on the back of my desk. I worked on some editing for a concert review I had just written, all the while wondering what this new assignment would have in store for me and my best friend.

Ten o'clock rolled around quicker than I had expected, and it found me and Phoebe bouncing into our boss Mike's office. Mike liked to play games with us when he gave us new assignments. The instant we walked into the office and saw plastic letters scrambled on his desk, I knew we'd have to crack a puzzle to get our assignment. There were four letters on the desk that made no sense to me.

“TKFS...” Phoebe muttered under her breath, sounding as confused as I felt.

“You may want to re-arrange them,” Mike hinted.

“KFTS... SKFT... FTSK... STKF... is this supposed to make any sense?” She asked.

“You've said the right combination already, you just need to figure out what it means,” Mike was evil sometimes.

Phoebe looked at me, puzzled for a moment, then yelled out, “FTSK! Forever The Sickest Kids!”

I looked from Mike to Phoebe back to Mike when we got no response.

“Right you are Pheebs. We're giving you two the assignment of doing an extremely in-depth artist profile on Forever The Sickest Kids. You'll be going on the first two weeks of their headlining tour with them, then you'll meet up with them for two dates in the middle, and again for the last three shows. You'll need individual profiles on each member of the band, as well as a group profile, Paige, for the article. And Phoebe, you should conduct three different photo shoots with a mixture of group and individual shots. We're also in the process of creating a mini-website for you two to update while you're on the road with the band. You'll be able to put up blogs, videos, and pictures while you're on the road,” Mike stopped to look at both of us, “Sound good?”

“Yeah!” Phoebe and I were both really excited, I could tell.

“Here are your tentative iteneraries,” Mike handed us each a packet of papers, “This should tell you where to be when. Forever The Sickest Kids were nice enough to save two bunks on their bus for you guys. You're flying to Texas on Monday. Any questions?”

Phoebe and I looked at each other and shook our heads.

“Alright girls, remember that one of you should phone in every day to check-in with the offices. You girls can take the rest of the day off to go home and pack,” Mike dismissed us.

Phoebe and I ran to our desks and grabbed our coats before darting out the building.

“Yes! We got off work early AND we get to go on tour with a band. Could life get any better right now?” Phoebe glanced back at me while she was jumping around the parking lot and I laughed at my spazz of a best friend.

“I guess not,” I answered, climbing into my car and starting the engine. We had to go home and pack. We were going on tour.
♠ ♠ ♠
So this is a co-write with my best friend Phoebe.
And we're really excited about this story
We have a little more written
so please comment/subscribe
cause we'll love you forever. =]