Sequel: Love Always Remains
Status: FINISHED! Sequel 'Love Always Remains' has been posted!

The Words to Define These Feelings

I hate to see you cry.

Phoebe’s POV

Caleb darted onto the stage, completely out of breath, and I sighed with relief. “I was beginning to think that you’d gone and died on me there Caleb!” I exclaimed, pointing at where I wanted him to stand. I snapped a couple of pictures and Paige walked up next to me, a perplexed look on her face.

“What’s up with you?” I asked. She just frowned and leaned against the barrier as the guys left the stage to get everything set up for the show. I looked at their retreating backs and stifled a giggle. “Ohmygosh you and Caleb MATCH” I squealed delightedly, shoving Paige off the barrier in my excitement.

“Oh be quiet, it’s not as if we planned this or anything.” I nodded and started poking her.

“So do you like him then, hmm?”

“No! He’s just…I don’t know. I’m starting over with him. I have no opinion of Caleb Turman.” I nodded slowly and patted Paige on the head before skipping back to the bus.

“Hello!” I called into the seemingly empty bus. I set my camera down on the table and started towards the TV with every intention of playing video games, when I heard what sounded like…sobbing? I found it hard to picture any guy in this band crying. Except maybe Jonathan. Or Caleb. Or Kent. Okay never mind.

I inched towards the bunks carefully and bit my lip. All of the bunks had the curtains open, except for the one across from mine. “Kyle…?” I said cautiously, tugging gently on the curtain I could barely reach. Kyle Burns was the very last person I’d expected to discover crying.

“What do you want” he muttered, not bothering to show his face. I sighed and jerked the curtain back.

“Are you okay, Kyle?” He swung his legs over the edge of the bunk and rolled out of it, landing smoothly on the carpeted floor next to me.

“No” he said bluntly, pulling me into a hug and making his way to the couch.

“Would you terribly mind telling me what’s wrong?” I asked gently. He let me go and we sat down on the couch. Kyle blew his nose and dried his eyes before finally composing himself enough to speak.

“I just got off the phone with um” he winced and bit his lip, then shook his head determinedly. Something was definitely bothering this poor boy. “I just got off the phone with my girlfriend, Gina.” I swallowed the lump in my throat and sighed, I’d sort of seen this coming. Oh well.

“We had a really big fight, and I’ve never fought with her before. I don’t know what to do with myself, we’ve never fought before and she was saying the stupidest shit!” Kyle banged his fists on the wall in anger and more tears leaked from his eyes. I reached over and hugged him, resting my head gently on his shoulder and remaining silent. I didn’t know Kyle well enough yet to know how to calm him down, and I figure that everyone could use a hug.

He smiled dryly and returned the hug, his breathing starting to even out. “I’m sorry Kyle. I don’t know why you two were arguing, but I hope you won.” He laughed and I stood up, an idea coming to me quickly. “You wanna go trick-or-treating?” I asked, a goofy grin that would normally be found on a four year old spreading across my face.

He blinked at me then stood up and ran to the back of the bus without another word. “So much for that idea” I mumbled, flopping down on the couch again. However, it was not two seconds later that Kyle returned with two bags in his hands. “Oh so that’s a yes then.” He nodded and matched my grin, then grabbed my hand and dragged me outside with him.

“We have to be back in an hour though, or I’ll miss the set.” I nodded and Kyle handed me one of the bags.

We hit up the surrounding neighborhood quickly, darting from house to house as fast as our legs would carry us. Which was considerably faster for Kyle. I’m at least a foot shorter than him. He knocked over a few middle school kids on the way, but when we returned to the bus an hour later, we were loaded with candy.

“So we’re not sleeping at ALL tonight you’re gonna stay up with me and we’re gonna watch stupid movies and eat candy until our brains fall out and then when we’re done we’re gonna play video games and eat ice cream until we puke our guts out and then MAYBE we can sleep.” I laughed and Kyle winked at me, clearly proud of his master plan.

“Thanks. I really needed this” Kyle said, smiling and hugging me. “We should be best friends, or something, cause you helped me out so much and I might need you and if you aren’t my best friend then that’s not as much fun.” I rolled my eyes and hugged him back. I guess best friends was okay. For now.

“But Paige is my best friend.”

“Oh. Dammit. Um…”

“You could be my secret best friend Kyle!”

“Ooh I like that plan!” We laughed and high fived, then Kyle hugged me again, spinning me around in a circle.

“We should come up with a secret handshake. But I have to go play drums. So maybe after we’re really hyper from way too much sugar we can come up with something.”

“Of course.”

“You should go play drums now” I mentioned after we’d been standing there hugging for a while.

“OH YEAH!” Kyle let me go and dashed off of the bus, and I followed him after a minute or so. Wondering what in the world Kyle and his girlfriend could be fighting about, given that they never fought, was going to irritate me to no end. But at least I had me anew secret best friend.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title from 'The Heart of Life' by John Mayer. <3

Yeah um, Kyle is not her new best friend. Paige is still her best friend. Kyle is just...'secret'.

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