Sequel: Love Always Remains
Status: FINISHED! Sequel 'Love Always Remains' has been posted!

The Words to Define These Feelings

Welcome to Texas.

Phoebe's POV

“WAIT, I FORGOT MY STRAIGHTENER!” I squealed, tugging on Paige’s arm as we walked through the breezeway and towards the plane.

“Oh my God Phoebe calm down, your hair is so straight you don’t even need a straightener! Besides, I’m sure one of the guys will have one you can borrow.”

“But…what if they don’t have a straightener, and they need to borrow one from me? THEN what do I do?!” Paige just rolled her eyes and stopped walking intentionally so that I ran into her.

“I hate you” I mumbled, but a grin tugged at the corners of my mouth. I was really excited for this opportunity, but I was also extremely nervous. What if they hated us? What if they hated my photography, and Paige’s writing? What if I came off as annoying? What if they’re all way taller than me? What if they try to steal my stuff? What if they’re really boring? What if this is all a trap?

“WHAT IF THEY’RE REALLY MONSTERS?!” I yelled, freezing in the middle of the hallway and looking at Paige dramatically. She laughed and mumbled an apology to the poor stewardess, who was standing there looking at me like I was part psycho. Which, of course, I am.

I’d heard of Forever the Sickest Kids before; they were on the Alternative Press Tour. But that’s pretty much all I knew about them. I had them on my iPod and I’d listened to their stuff maybe once, and I had no idea what they looked like at all. Which I felt kind of bad about, because I like to study my subjects before I shoot them, but this was a special case.

I wanted to just get to know them like I’d get to know any other person. Although I guess I wouldn’t hang out with any other person for two months on a tour bus. Unless that person was Paige. But that was why Paige was sitting next me now on the plane as we took off.

“I bet they’re from Texas” I said with a goofy smile in Paige’s direction. She rolled her eyes and shoved my hat down over my eyes, temporarily blinding me.

“Yeah I BET they are!” she said sarcastically. We knew some basic information about FTSK. We knew that there were six of them, they were from Texas, and, according to Stephanie, who worked as a receptionist for Alternative Press, they were extremely attractive. And, also according to Stephanie, she would kill us if we got to kiss any of them. Or even got to meet them. So we were pretty much as good as dead.

“What’re you watching?” I asked curiously, peeking over at Paige’s iPod. It was a music video from what I could tell.

“Forever The Sickest Kids music video. Wanna watch?”

“NO!” I squealed, laughing as she shoved the iPod in my face. I covered my eyes and snatched the iPod away, pausing the video at one minute and two seconds and stealing a glance at the paused image.

“Whoa” I said, looking down at the guy smiling up at me from Paige’s iPod.

“No, it’s called ‘Whoa Oh’, not just whoa” Paige said with a laugh. I rolled my eyes and shoved the iPod back at her, pointing to the screen.

“Is that one the drummer?”

She nodded and said “Yeah, his name’s Kyle.”

“He’s cute.” Paige laughed again and I pouted at her, pretending to be hurt. “What, you don’t agree?”

“No, I mean they’re all good looking guys…” she said, trailing off at the end of her sentence.

“Look let’s not get into ‘omg this guy is husband’ okay?” I said, covering her mouth before she could open it again. She grinned and shrugged, then continued to watch the music video, with me watching discreetly over her shoulder.

“The plane will be landing in ten minutes. Please return to your seats and fasten your seatbelts.” I squealed with excitement and laughed as the stewardess I’d scared before purposely crossed over to the opposite aisle to avoid walking past me.

“You can be so annoying” Paige muttered with a grin.

“Ah, but you love it!” I said, buckling my seat belt with some difficulty and smiling as the automated voice announced “Welcome to Texas.”

We rushed off of the plane and straight to baggage claim, grabbing our things as soon as we could. “Where’s my camera bag?!” I yelled, watching as tan and black colored luggage moved past us, and smiled when Paige pointed to the neon green camera bag a little ways away.

“Really, you HAD to pick the most obvious color and then you can’t even see it?” Paige said.

“My thoughts are a little jumbled at this point Paige, can you blame me?” She shook her head and we ran out of the automatic doors that stood close by. “FUCK, IT’S HOT!” I whined, ripping my beanie from my head and shoving it in my camera bag. “Now what are we looking for?” I asked, looking up at Paige, who was a good six or seven inches taller than me.

“I’m not sure, but that certainly looks promising” she said with a grin, pointing to a guy holding up a huge white sign that said ‘PAIGE AND PHOEBE’ on it. I laughed and looked at the guy holding it and gasped.

“Hey that guy’s in the band isn’t he!” I said, bouncing up and down. I recognized him as the singer from the video, his hair was dark brown and he wore a light blue t-shirt and jeans.

“Well…here we go” Paige said, shoving me forward gently as we walked towards him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sooooo I wrote this.
Phoebe. :]
I personally love it to death.