Sequel: Love Always Remains
Status: FINISHED! Sequel 'Love Always Remains' has been posted!

The Words to Define These Feelings

I'll take you out

Phoebe leaned impatiently against the wall next to me.

“Are you sure my hair looks okay?” I asked, scrunching up my hair in an attempt to fix my curls.

“Paige,” She said, “It looks fine. What's the big deal?”

“Well,” I paused, a light blush coming over my cheeks, “Hair is important and there's nothing wrong with wanting to look presentable...”

“When we've just been on a plane for several hours, it's understandable. Don't worry, I'm sure you could be a frizzball right now and Caleb would still want to jump you. Now, can we please go claim our luggage?”

“Okay,” I said, embarrassed that I was being so transparent with my nervousness. I'd been a little flustered ever since the guys called to tell us that Caleb would be picking us up from the airport in Chicago. It was impossible for me to deny the way that even the mention of his name put overactive butterflies in my stomach. It'd been two weeks since the boys came to visit us in our apartment, but it felt like two years.

I knew which baggage claim area was ours without even checking the sign because as soon as we turned the corner, I caught a glimpse of Caleb, red hair standing out in the crowd. Next to him was a platinum blond figure.

“What's Kyle doing here?” Phoebe asked, visibly seizing up next to me.

“Well, I'd assume Caleb dragged him along...” I trailed off as we got into earshot of the guys.

“Hey guys!” Caleb exclaimed, a giant smile lighting up his face. He locked eyes with mine, “We missed you,” he said as he grabbed me in a hug. I restrained myself from giggling as he lifted me a few inches off the ground and put me back down.

“I missed you too,” I mumbled into his shoulder. I took a step back from him, realizing what was going on with the pair next to us.

“Hey Phoebe!” He smiled, going to give her a hug, but she side stepped and brushed him off. Kyle looked deflated as Phoebe turned to Caleb and gave him a smile.

“Hey Pheebs,” Caleb said.

“Hey Caleb, it's good to see you,” She gave him a hug and then looked towards the conveyor, “I wish they would hurry up with our luggage.”

“So...” Kyle slid over so he was standing next to Phoebe, “How was your flight?”

“Long,” She mumbled, then turned to me and Caleb, “So... who do you guys think the best superhero is?” She asked randomly, clearly avoiding Kyle.

“Spiderman,” Kyle chirped in from behind her, and she rolled her eyes. I decided it would be best to get her away from Kyle, so I pulled out a ten dollar bill.

“Hey Pheebs, you want to go get me a drink?” I pointed to the mini-mart down the corridor, “Caleb and I can grab your bags.”

“Sure,” She said, “What do you want?”

“You know what I like,” I said, and she was off without a backwards glance. Kyle looked like he was about to go after her, but Caleb was not about to let that happen.

“Kyle, don't push it,” He said, and Kyle let out a sigh and sulked over to a bench against the wall, leaving me alone with Caleb.

“So, hey,” I whispered, “What's the deal with Kyle?”

“Well, we've all been ignoring him as much as possible because he's trying to take out his problems on everyone else. It's driving him mad though. Hopefully, he can grovel to Phoebe and get her back into his good graces.” He explained.

“It'll be easier than you think. Phoebe's not nearly as tough as she's letting on. Everything he does is going to break her down,” I explained, “And secretly, she really likes him.”

“Good, cause he secretly likes her too,” He whispered back, and I laughed. A silence fell between us, and I decided to take a chance.

“Caleb?” I asked.

“Yes,” He said.

“That night you guys visited, thank you for bringing me back to the apartment and staying with me. And I think you should know that you were wrong. I am completely sober right now and,” I took a deep breath, “I am completely sober and I still like you. I really do feel that way,” I blushed and turned my head down.

“Really?” Caleb asked, and I nodded at the ground.

“Yeah,” I admitted.

“Me too,” Caleb said, and I looked up to make sure my ears weren't deceiving me.

“So, logically, if I like you and you like me...” I trailed off.

“Then you should let me take you out to dinner tomorrow before the show,” Caleb concluded, and I grinned like a fool, planting a kiss on his cheek.

“Okay,” I said as we pulled mine and Phoebe's luggage off the belt, “It's a date.”
♠ ♠ ♠
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Chapter title from "Six Feet Under The Stars" by All Time Low