Sequel: Love Always Remains
Status: FINISHED! Sequel 'Love Always Remains' has been posted!

The Words to Define These Feelings

Here in your arms

Phoebe swiped the card and waited for the light to turn green before pushing on the door to our hotel room. I tossed my purse on my bed and pulled my shoes off. The guys were finishing up at the venue, signing autographs and taking pictures, so we had opted to come back and rest for a little while. I plopped down on my bed and stared at the ceiling, slipping off my shoes.

“So,” I said to Phoebe, “You and Kyle seemed pretty wrapped up in one another after FTSK's set.”

“No we didn't,” She said, and I laughed.

“Yeah, you really kind of did,” I insisted, “Unless my eyes deceived me when he ran over and picked you up and kissed you immediately after getting offstage.”

“Yeah, and he was all sweaty, which was gross,” She added, “And don't think I didn't see the cute look Caleb was shooting you before the pair of you disappeared.”

“What? We went to the dressing room. He had to change,” I explained.

Before we could argue anymore, I heard voices from down the hall and several hands began to pound on our door. Phoebe stood up to look through the peephole, and yelled over her shoulder, “It's Caleb and Kyle,” before pulling the door open.

“Phoebe!” Kyle exclaimed, picking her up. Caleb ran over and jumped onto my bed next to me.

“Hi,” I said, looking up at his smiling face hovering above mine.

“Hey baby,” Caleb said, planting a kiss on my lips then pulling me into an upright sitting position, “Everyone is going swimming.”

“Oh,” I said, “Did you want to go swimming?” I asked.

“I want to do whatever you want to do,” Caleb answered, wrapping his arm around me.

“Lets go swimming,” I answered, pulling out of his grasp to search for my swimsuit.

“Okay,” He stood back up, “Kyle, lets go change.”

Kyle looked up from where he was tickling Phoebe and followed Caleb.

“Meet us outside when you guys are changed,” Kyle yelled behind him as he closed the door. Phoebe and I located our swimsuits and changed, grabbing some towels on our way out the door. I nearly fell over laughing at the scene outside our room. Caleb was leaning against the railing, watching Kyle, who was reciting the “I'm On A Boat” song as well as he could.

“I got my swim trunks and my flippy floppys,” He rapped as Phoebe walked out. She took one look and him and started laughing, then grabbed the hat off his head and raced down the steps.

“Hey!” Kyle yelled, running off after her and leaving Caleb and I alone.

“Lets go,” Caleb said, grabbing my hand and starting towards the stairs. When we got down to the pool area, Kyle was holding Phoebe above the cold water, ready to throw her in.

“Kyle, if you throw me in, I am dragging you in too,” She threatened, wiggling her legs.

“A risk I am willing to take,” He smiled and faked tossing her in the pool, then jumped in still holding her. He let go of her once they hit the water and she emerged only to dunk his head under again.

“Jerk,” She muttered. I turned away from them and looked at Caleb.

“Want to go in the hot tub?” He asked, pointing past the pool.

“Yes,” I agreed, turning the bubbles all the way up before we got in. We lounged around in the hot tub for a while, not really talking much, just relaxing. Caleb slid his hand into mine underwater and I smiled, letting the hot water and the bubbles soothe me. I could think of very few things I would rather be doing at that specific moment in time. After about a half an hour, I began to get tired of sitting in the hot tub, so I stood up and tugged on Caleb's hand.

“Lets go back upstairs,” I suggested, and he smiled up at me.

“Okay,” He agreed, and we got out of the hot tub and wrapped ourselves in fluffly white towels. As we walked past the pool, Phoebe called out after us.

“Hey, where are you guys going?” She asked.

“Upstairs, I'm sleepy,” I said at the same time Caleb answered, “None of your business.” I looked at him and laughed.

“What he said,” I pointed to the redhead then followed his retreating figure back up the stairs. Caleb stopped outside my room and motioned towards the door.

“Why don't you change and then come join me in my room,” He suggested, and I nodded before opening my door.

“I'll see you in a few,” I agreed, stepping forward and pressing a little kiss to his lips before disappearing into my room. I quickly pulled some pajama pants and a t-shirt out of my bag and swapped them for my wet swimsuit. I tossed my swimsuit in the bathroom to dry and quickly threw my hair up in a ponytail, then made sure I had my phone and room key before walking absentmindedly down the hall to Caleb's room. I knocked and when the door swung open, Caleb was there, wearing his own pajamas, glasses perched on his nose.

“Oh hi,” I smiled as he wrapped his hands around my waist and pulled me towards him.

“Hey,” He said, grabbing my lips in a deeper kiss than the one we had shared before. I broke away once I realized we were still standing in the hallway and shoved him into the room.

“I don't really like to subject other people to random public displays of affection,” I explained, looking at the room. Caleb's stuff was piled on the bed closest to the window, and the television was casting a soft glow from the far wall. One lamp spread a soft yellow circle of light in the corner, leaving the corner we were standing in rather dark. I poked Caleb from where I was leaning against him.

“You should move your stuff so we can lay down,” I suggested, and he laughed.

“Good idea,” He kissed my cheek then let go of me to clear off the bed. He pulled the covers down and motioned for me to lay down. I grabbed the television remote on the way over. Caleb opened his arms and I laughed and plopped down next to him, letting him trap me close to him.

“You're goofy,” I whispered.

“I know,” He smiled completely, and I nearly felt myself melt. I focused back on the tv and found the tv guide station. I began mindlessly flipping through the stations, and we heard a key in the door. Kyle walked in, sopping wet, and smiled at us.

“Hey guys, I'm just gonna change then hang out in Phoebe's room,” He said, locking himself in the bathroom quickly to change and then grabbing his phone off the table next to us, “Don't have too much fun kids,” He winked, and then left.

I giggled and continued flipping stations until Caleb plucked the remote from my hand. I locked eyes with him to see him putting the tv on a low volume and placing the remote beyond my reach.

“We don't have to watch tv,” He whispered, placing a kiss on my neck. I snuggled closer to him contentedly.

“It's so weird to think that three weeks ago, you still hated my guts,” I said, “And now we're here.”

“I didn't hate your guts,” He answered, shaking his head insistently.

“You so did,” I stuck my tongue out at him.

“I didn't!” He said, and I rolled my eyes, “No, listen to me,” He turned me to force me to look at him, “I didn't like you so much at first when you broke my guitar, but I got over that pretty quick. I just didn't know how to act around you then because I had already been such a dick. I'm sorry baby,” He said, pressing his forehead against mine.

“Well, it's obviously okay because I'm here now,” I smiled, leaning forward to press my lips against his.

“Obviously,” He smiled, and we kissed more, laying back on the bed, “Stay here with me tonight. You're obviously tired, so there's no reason for you to walk all the way back to your room. And odds are Kyle's not coming back.”

“Mmm,” I pretended to hesitate for a moment until he kissed me again, “Alright, you've convinced me.”

“Yay,” He said, pulling me against his chest, “Sleep now.”

I closed my eyes and let the rise and fall of his chest rock me to sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's been a while.
Finals and such, yada yada.
Summer is soon though, which leaves more free time. =]

Chapter title from "Here (In Your Arms)" by Hellogoodbye