Sequel: Love Always Remains
Status: FINISHED! Sequel 'Love Always Remains' has been posted!

The Words to Define These Feelings

There's not much else I can do...

“Kyle!” I whined, flailing my arms helplessly. “Let me go you moron!” Kyle just laughed and continued walking, he was parading down the halls of the hotel carrying me everywhere and refusing to give me a towel or let me dry off. The air conditioning in the hotel didn’t help much. “I’m freezing” I protested, crossing my arms haughtily and waiting for Kyle to arrive at the hotel room.

“Wait here” he said, setting me down on a towel cart in the hallway and slipping into his room for a second. I’d left my card in my room, showing off my astounding ability to lose things easily. Kyle emerged from his room in under a minute, wearing fresh clothes. “Paige and Caleb are just sitting there watching TV, there’s never anything on hotel TV’s, they must be bored as hell. We should totally not watch TV!”

“Can we please let Phoebe change now” I muttered, my teeth chattering together as I shivered. The fact that I was sitting on a metal cart half naked didn’t really help.

“Yes!” Kyle announced. We darted off to my room, and I yanked the door open once Kyle slid the card through. “GO, GET WARM!” Kyle yelled, pulling the door shut behind him. I ran into the bathroom and changed into shorts and a t-shirt, then attempted to blow dry my hair. I re-entered the room to see Kyle playing with his cell phone.

“I’m still cold” I said, shivering as a chill ran down my spine.

“Come here” Kyle said, opening his arms and allowing me to run at him and become enveloped by his warmth. “Jeez you ARE freezing Phoebe.” He played with my fingers and sighed, kissing my nose gently. “I’m sorry, that was a little stupid of me to make you go around cold and wet. Don’t get sick, okay?”

I glared at him and sneezed, causing Kyle to wrap his arms more tightly around me. “Don’t you worry Phoebe; I’ll have you warmed up in no time” he murmured, nuzzling my cheek gently with his nose. I giggled and yawned obnoxiously, Kyle laughed.

“I’m tired” I announced, blinking up at Kyle sleepily. He frowned and sat up, pulling me with him.

“No” he whined, dragging me off the bed and forcing me to stand. “I’m not sleepy at all; I don’t want to just watch you sleep! There’s only one day of tour left after tonight, we are not wasting time with stupid like SLEEP! Stay awake with me.” I yawned again and shook my head defiantly, making incomprehensible sounds of protest.

“Kyle, I’m exhausted” I moaned, making grabby motions for the bed. I would have jumped on it if it weren’t for Kyle’s arms holding me back.

“You are staying awake or I am dropping you in the pool once you fall asleep.” Kyle grinned evilly and started shuffling towards the door, his arms still tight around my waist.

“Leggomekyle” I mumbled, slumping against him and letting my body relax completely. “I’m not gonna walk anywhere.” We had left the hotel room for some reason unbeknownst to me, and Kyle picked me up with a sigh and carried me along the hallway.

“You’re such a baby” he grumbled, leaning down to press a gentle kiss to my lips. He located a room of vending machines and bought two caffeinated beverages, forcing one into my hand and saying “Drink this.” I downed the soda in a matter of seconds, and Kyle put me down with a goofy smile. “Now that I have you caffeinated, we are staying up all night missy.”

“What exactly did you have planned?” I asked cautiously, scanning Kyle’s mischievous eyes carefully. He wiggled his eyebrows and grabbed my hand, dragging me back out into the hallway.

“Just you wait and see” he answered vaguely, winking and pulling me down the hall at a high rate of speed. I thought about telling him to slow down, his huge feet slapped noisily against the tile floor, but I knew he wouldn’t. He’d finished his soda too and there was no way either of us was slowing down anytime soon. When we finally stopped, we were out in the parking lot.

“Wow Kyle, the parking lot!” I exclaimed, glaring at him and crossing my arms. I could think of other things I’d rather be doing with Kyle, standing in a parking lot didn’t even make the list.

“Just wait” he whispered, pulling me over to an area of the lot where there were few cars. He pulled a lighter out of his pocket, along with a bunch of colorful objects that looked like, and most likely were, fireworks.

“Aren’t those illegal to set off without it being like…the fourth of July, or something?” I asked with a grin.

“Probably” Kyle replied, putting everything in one big pile. “Stand back okay, I don’t want you getting burned or anything” he warned, pushing my shoulder gently.

“No.” I latched onto Kyle’s waist and he laughed, then picked me up and made me sit on his shoulders. “Hold on tight to me, okay?” I nodded and Kyle picked up one of the fireworks and held out the lighter to it, the fuse lighting quickly with a bright spark. He squealed like a girl and set it down before darting a good twenty feet away. The fuse ran out, and the firework rocketed into the sky, exploding overhead in brilliant reds and purples.

“More!” we said simultaneously, Kyle running back to his pile of fireworks and lighting three of them at once. They shot off at the same time, crashing together in the sky and creating circles of tiny white stars. We heard a police siren approaching us and Kyle mumbled “shit” before stowing the remaining fireworks in a large bush along with the lighter. “Follow my lead” he whispered, placing a soft kiss on my neck.

We snuck back to the hotel entrance, avoiding the glare of the car’s headlights, and ran inside. Kyle ruffled his hair a lot and did the same to me, then pulled his shirt off and winked. “You’re such a loser” I said, rolling my eyes at him. Kyle laughed and took my hand, leading me outside.

A short man exited the car and approached the two of us, a notepad in his left hand and a flashlight in his right. He clicked on the flashlight and the beam swung to hit us square in the face, we had to squint in the obnoxiously bright light. His badge read ‘Officer T. Sanders’.

“Thank God you’re here sir” Kyle exclaimed, throwing his shirt over his shoulder and an arm around my waist. “Someone’s been shooting off bombs or something around here.”
Officer Sanders narrowed his eyes at us and said “Those were fireworks, not bombs. And put your shirt on son, you could stand to gain some weight. Are you sure it wasn’t you and your girlfriend here shooting off the fireworks?”

Kyle shook his head, an adorably confused expression displayed on his face. “She isn’t my girlfriend, and no sir, we were preoccupied.” Officer Sanders blinked and I tried my very best not to laugh, Kyle squeezed me gently and I calmed down.

“Did you happen to see whoever did it?” Officer Sanders asked, pulling a pen out of his breast pocket.

“No sir. Like I said, we were busy.” Officer Sanders grumbled and stowed his pen away, still shining the light in our faces.

“If you see anything…just give the station a holler. You know the number.” Kyle nodded seriously and saluted the man, who narrowed his eyes at us before clicking off the flashlight and driving away in his patrol car.

“I guess we can’t shoot off anymore fireworks” Kyle said, looking rather deflated.
“That’s okay. It was beautiful while it lasted. Come on bud, let’s go back to the hotel room” I said, tugging on Kyle’s hand gently. He stayed rooted to the spot, a frown set on his face.

“No. I’m not tired.” I rolled my eyes and dropped his hand, grinning up at him.

“I have no intention of sleeping, Kyle.” His mouth formed a small ‘o’ shape and I laughed.

“Hold this please” he said, handing his shirt to me. I raised an eyebrow and took the shirt, and Kyle picked me up and threw me over his shoulder, despite my squeals of protest, and ran back to the hotel room. He put me down once he reached the door, kissing me immediately and trying to open the door to the room at the same time.

“Kyle you can’t open the door without the key” I said, pulling away from his eager lips.

“Well why not?!” he said with a frustrated frown, sliding the card through multiple times, forcing the door open, and pulling me inside.

“Because if you could then people who aren’t staying here could come in and steal our shit!” I said obviously, smacking his bare chest. “Here’s your shirt” I said, tossing it to him.

“I don’t want it” he retorted, swatting his shirt away and watching me flop down on the bed. “I thought you said you weren’t sleeping!” he whined, tackling me on the bed.

“Shh, Kyle other people are trying to sleep. Stop being such a child.” He pouted and rolled away from me.

“Fine then. I’ll be more adult.” He pulled me on top of him and kissed me more passionately than he had before, one hand tangled in my messy hair and the other entwined with my hand, and the fireworks that went off in my head were at least ten times better than the ones I’d seen outside. “I mean” he said, breaking away for a second and fingering the hem of my shorts. “If we’re gonna stay up, might as well have some fun yeah?” I blushed and smiled, then kissed him.

“Yeah, we should have some fun” I said. Kyle got up and hung the ‘do not disturb’ sign on the knob outside and locked the door, then returned to me with a sly grin on his face. And soon, the carpeted floor was decorated with rays of the first few minutes of sunlight…and my lucky underwear, and Kyle’s neon pink boxers, and a few other articles of clothing.

After ourgreat sex fun time, Kyle and I were snuggling under the sheets, on the verge of sleep. Animal Planet was playing softly from the small television. And as he placed a little kiss on my forehead and said “Sweet dreams baby”, I gave in and fell asleep with a smile on my lips.
♠ ♠ ♠
Lyrics/description from Hummingbird - nevershoutnever!

Sorry kiddies, I do not write explicit sex scenes. Hope you still enjoyed this update. Longest update in the history of long updates (sortofNOTREALLY).

PLEASE COMMENT, I edited the shit out of this chapter and I'd like some feedback. :]