Sequel: Love Always Remains
Status: FINISHED! Sequel 'Love Always Remains' has been posted!

The Words to Define These Feelings

I Love Redheads!

Phoebe's POV

I shuffled out of the hallway awkwardly, leaning the bike up against the wall and biting my lip. I hope Caleb isn’t too mad, it was totally an accident.

“Caleb!” I yelled, running into the hallway in an attempt to catch him just as he was walking out of it.

“Fuck” I mumbled, kicking the wall in frustration. “This is all my fault, I’m so sorry Paige! I shouldn’t have told you to try to skateboard.” She scoffed and waved her hand in dismissal, looking after Caleb.

“It’s that guy’s fault; he shouldn’t have left his guitar there!” I blinked and shrugged, walking back into the room and smiling at the five who still sat there while Paige was in the hall surveying the damage of Caleb’s guitar. And Caleb was off God-knows-where throwing a bitch fit.

“So” I said with a wide smile, sitting myself down at Kyle’s drum kit again. “What’s this tour called anyhow?”

Austin held back a laugh then said “It’s the ‘I Love Redheads Tour’; we’re co-headlining with We The Kings.” I smiled more then burst out laughing, causing the rest of them to laugh too. Paige poked her head in the room, she didn’t look too happy at all.

“What’s so funny?” she asked, walking back into the room and sitting down on a couch.

“The tour name is the ‘I Love Redheads Tour’!” I giggled and looked over at Austin again. “Wait it can’t be just you guys, who else is touring with you?”

“The Maine and A Rocket To The Moon.” I laughed again, I’d done photo shoots with We The Kings and The Maine before, and it was easy to see why they’d given their tour such a ridiculous, yet appropriate, name.

“That’s brilliant” I said with a grin, looking over at Paige, who seemed to be calming down a bit.

“That sounds like an awesome tour!” she said, a smile finally appearing on her face.

“YAY!” I yelled, standing up triumphantly and throwing my hands up in the air, whacking one of them on a cymbal on the way. “Ow” I mumbled, my grin faltering a bit.

“We should actually get going soon…” Marc said, and as soon as he did everyone was up and running around looking for their things in a rush. Paige and I were first to the door, our stuff was still in Jonathan’s car, so we had nothing to get together.

Caleb slipped in through the door unnoticed with a box in his hands, which I could only assume contained the pathetic remains of his guitar. I winced and looked around, hoping to see if I could help anyone out.

“Psst” I glanced over at Kyle to see him waving me over to him.

“What’s up Kyle?” I said as I skipped over to him.

“Can you help me with this? K-Dirty isn’t here, and it’s hard to do with just one person…” I blinked at Kyle and nodded, holding down parts of the drum kit and putting them away when he asked me to.

“Who’s K-Dirty?” I asked with a grin.

“Oh” Kyle laughed and rolled his eyes. “He’s my drum tech/bff! His name’s really Kevin.” I smiled and laughed with him, shutting the case after Kyle put the last screw inside. “Done!” he announced, high fiving me and shoving the case towards the door. I walked over to where Paige was standing and smiled, but she was looking pissed off again.

“What’s up?” I asked cautiously, I didn’t want to seem nosy or anything.

“I don’t like that Caleb kid…” I glanced over at Caleb, who was now putting his electric guitar in a case and setting the box on top of it.

“Well…” I started, searching my head for something to get off the topic of Caleb. Like I wanted this tour to start off on a bad note. No thank you. “Just forget about him Paige, don’t let him get to you.” She nodded and we all walked out of the building in an awkward line, awkward because we all kept running into each other, on purpose.

“Get out of here Kent!” I yelled, whacking him over the head with my backpack.

“Hey, you ran into me!” he protested, sticking out his tongue obnoxiously.

“Oh, yeah, okay. And I’m gonna be as tall as Kyle someday.” I heard Kyle laughing and gave him the finger before running onto the bus, searching for the bunks.

“I call top bunk!” I yelled, tossing my backpack and hat onto the bed even though I couldn’t reach it. I squealed and scrambled up and into my bunk, the entire band was charging at me in a desperate attempt to get their preferred bunks.

“Haha, Paige has to sleep on the bottom!” I said with a giggle, looking down at Paige, who was now glancing over at the person sitting on the bunk across from hers: Caleb. “Uh oh…” I mumbled, biting my lip and retreating into my bunk.

“Hey!” I pulled back the curtain an inch to see Kyle’s face. “My bunk’s across from yours!” he whispered so loudly that it could hardly be considered a whisper anymore. I giggled at his obvious statement and shut my curtain again; I was definitely getting a nap in before we had to do anything else.
♠ ♠ ♠
This story needs more love.

I know I would. :]