Sequel: Love Always Remains
Status: FINISHED! Sequel 'Love Always Remains' has been posted!

The Words to Define These Feelings

I broke it.

Phoebe's POV

After the show ended and every last fan begging for a picture had disappeared I waved good bye to Paige, who I’m guessing wanted to get to the bus as quickly as humanly possible to avoid Caleb. I can’t say I blame her; the stupid boy is being a little bitch to her. Lame.

I skipped backstage with my little camera, this one I used to just take snapshots of what the boys were doing. My other cameras were too clunky to drag around the venue everywhere FTSK decided to go, so I stuck them in the dressing room and wandered outside the venue, where Kyle and Marc were blowing bubbles.

I giggled and snapped a picture quickly, they hadn’t noticed me until the flash went off. They looked up and Kyle waved enthusiastically. “Hi Phoebe! We’re blowing bubbles.” “Thank you Kyle, I would never have been able to figure out something like that myself” I said with a roll of my eyes. What a dork.

“So how was our first show?” Marc asked, offering me his bottle of bubbles. I bit my lip then gave my camera to him in exchange for the bubbles and dipped the little yellow plastic wand into the soapy substance.

“It sucked.” They both stared at me dumbfounded and I laughed, blowing bubbles in their faces. “I’m kidding you morons. It was amazing! Y’all put on a great live show.”

“She said y’all!” Kyle yelled, jumping up and down and pointing at me exaggeratedly.

“So what?” I said, failing to see how one word was exciting to him.

“Well it means we’re starting to rub off on you. Don’t worry; you’ll be walking around with an accent and cowboy boots on in no time.” I glared at Marc as Kyle patted me on the head and grinned. Marc took a picture of Kyle patting my head.

“What the french toast, I didn’t tell you to take pictures!” I squealed, covering my face and hiding behind Kyle. He just moved over and laughed.

“Well why not? Don’t you want to be in some of these pictures?”

“NO! Your fans don’t care about the retarded camera girl! They just want to see you guys acting cute and funny!” They both laughed at me and I pouted and turned away from them, blowing bubbles at nothing. Kyle walked around me and smiled apologetically before going back to blowing bubbles too. Marc took another picture of us and I narrowed my eyes at him.

“One more picture and I’m dumping the rest of this bottle in your hair while you sleep.” Kyle giggled and Marc shoved the camera back in my hands, then ran back onto the bus, leaving Kyle and I out in the California heat.

“So..” I began awkwardly. I was never good at talking to people one on one, especially if they were male. Oh well, I guess that happens to a lot of people. “What’s up Kyle?”

“I’m hungry!” he announced before dashing onto the bus and running back out in .5 seconds or less with Austin and Caleb.

“Let’s go to Wendy’s!” Austin yelled, pointing towards the sky before rushing off with Caleb on his heels.

“I bet we can beat them” Kyle whispered before, without any sort of a warning, picking me up and putting me on his shoulders and running towards Austin and Caleb’s figures. I squealed and ducked down, wrapping my arms around his neck and closing my eyes. “Don’t worry, I won’t drop you” Kyle said with a laugh, tightening his grip on my legs.

I opened one eye to see that by some miracle we had gained on the two considerably, and I felt my cell phone vibrate in my pocket. I flipped it open to see a text from Paige. ‘Where are you and half the band?’ I giggled and texted her back quickly ‘They kidnapped me, we’re getting food.’ before slipping my phone back in my pocket and reattaching myself to Kyle. Dying was not on my list of things to do today.

“Okay, what do you guys want?” Caleb asked, looking up at me and laughing. I relaxed and took in my surroundings.

“Aren’t we eating inside…?” I asked. We were standing at the drive thru, no car required I guess. “I want a number one with a sprite I guess” I said.

“Talk louder!” Austin whispered, pointing at the box and grinning. I rolled my eyes and Kyle knelt down next to the thing so I was closer to it. I somehow prevented myself from laughing and announced my order loudly to the box.

“Try not to knock out my hearing next time Pheebs” Kyle said, shooting me a glare over his shoulder. I stuck my tongue out and yawned.

“Oh you better not be tired” Caleb accused, poking my stomach hard.

“OW!” I squealed, causing Kyle to wince. “Sorry Kyle” I said with a giggle. The rest of them said their orders and we walked around to the window to pay and receive our food.

“We still have to have a water balloon fight and play twister and run around parking lots and have a dance party and do karaoke!” Austin whined, poking me in the side too. We paid and walked up to the food window, Caleb and Austin poking me and laughing the entire time.

“Stop it you guys” I mumbled, swatting at their arms lazily and yawning.

“Seriously, you can’t fall asleep. You need to participate/document!” Kyle said, jolting me a little bit.

“But I’m so sleepy…” I mumbled, leaning my head against the back of Kyle’s and closing my eyes with a smile.

“I could make you walk…” he said, letting me slip.

“NO!” I squealed, grabbing at Kyle’s shoulders but failing and crashing to the concrete.

“KYLE YOU IDIOT YOU BROKE HER!” Austin yelled. I shut my eyes and tried to block out the pain all over my body. It was difficult. They all just stood around and blinked at me, and I could see the drive thru attendant getting impatient with them as he tried to give us our food.

“Get the food” I said, pointing to the window. Caleb took the food and they all continued to blink at me. “Look could one of you help me or something!?” I yelled, trying to get up and failing epically. I managed to sit up and took a deep breath, closing my eyes again. A pair of arms enclosed around me and I opened my eyes blearily as Kyle pulled me closer to him.

“Sorry I broke you” he said with a goofy smile. I punched his jaw weakly and grumbled. “I’ll be okay probably. Now give me some food.” Caleb laughed and handed me my burger and stuffed a few fries in my mouth. “Thanks” I said, my words muffled by the fries.

“This is gonna be an exciting tour, I can feel it in my shoes” Austin announced, taking a sip of his drink.

“Your shoes?” I asked, looking at him quizzically.

“Yeah, I have sensitive feet.” The car behind us honked obnoxiously and we all jumped.

“Oh yeah, we’re still at the drive thru” Caleb said with a laugh. We all shuffled out of the way and began the walk back to the bus, Caleb and Austin running once they’d inhaled their food.

“I’d run, but I don’t want to break you more.” I laughed and finished off my burger and shoved a fry into Kyle’s mouth.

“I appreciate that Kyle” he smiled widely at me and I looked at my feet quickly at my sudden realization. Kyle Burns was attractive. This couldn’t end well.
♠ ♠ ♠
I've always wanted to walk through a drive-thru.