Sequel: Love Always Remains
Status: FINISHED! Sequel 'Love Always Remains' has been posted!

The Words to Define These Feelings

This is Halloween

Phoebe's POV

I held back a fit of giggles that threatened to burst from my lips as Jonathan ran around aimlessly in a dinosaur costume. We were at a Halloween costume shop, attempting to decide what to be for the fast approaching holiday. I held a video camera in one hand, out of reach of any reckless dinosaurs, and a shopping basket in the other, which held a few of our costume selections.

“Jonathan, you’re going to hurt yourself” I sighed just before he ran into a wall. Too late. “How about a costume without a head piece buddy.” I pulled off the dinosaur head and collapsed in fits of laughter. Jonathan’s hair was all over the place, and as soon as I’d removed the head from him, Pat had taken it out of my hands and placed it on his own head.

“PATRICK JOHN KIRCH IF YOU DON’T GET BACK HERE NOW I’M CALLING YOUR MOTHER!” I yelled, dropping my shopping basket and chasing after the puny drummer, who was sure to hurt himself running around with something twice the size of his own head on him.

Luckily for me, Travis caught him and pulled the head off, setting it on top of a shelf out of reach of short people. “You guys can’t be dinosaurs because I’M gonna be a dinosaur!” he announced proudly, leading Pat and I back to the dressing rooms.

“Oh, is that true? Did you already pick out a costume then?”

“Not exactly. My mom made it…” he mumbled, blush slowly coloring his cheeks. Pat laughed and I rolled my eyes, why were they all such momma’s boys?

“How about this one?” Jonathan asked, emerging from the dressing room in a Woody costume.

“You’re only wearing that so you can be a cowboy.”

“Am not!” he said defiantly, sticking his tongue out and shuffling back to his dressing room. “I’m getting it” he called to us. I sighed and shoved my camera into my bag and surveyed my own costume choices.

“You should get the Tigger one” Pat said, pulling it out and holding it up to me.

“Yeah?” I asked with a grin. It was this, Alice in Wonderland, or Marilyn Monroe.

“Yeah. It fits your personality best” Travis agreed, taking the other two and putting them in a return box. I giggled and pulled out my phone, which had been vibrating.


“Hi Phoebe!”

“Nick! Where the hell are you?”

“I got coffee.”

“Without us?”


“Did you get a costume?”


“And what is your costume?”

“I am a tree!”

“Of course you are. Get back to the Halloween store, okay? We’re gonna head back to the venue soon.” I hung up and smiled, this tour was way too much fun already. “Okay, now Pat…what is your costume?”

“I’m gonna be a girl.”

“You’re joking, right? Please tell me you’re joking Patty.” He held up a costume bag, which, from the label, contained a woman’s French maid costume. “You’re an idiot.”

“Yeah, well…” I left him stuttering and browsed through the shelves, returning to him with a few different costumes.

“These are your actual choices. You can be Elmo, a kitten, or Aladdin.” He laughed and took the costumes, then threw them all in a return box. “PAT!”

“It’s okay; I came up with a better idea!” He ran around the store and returned in a matter of seconds with a knight costume.

“Aw, that’s cute! You can be a knight in shining armor Patty.” He rolled his eyes and I just smiled and pinched his cheek, dragging him and the other two towards the register, where Nick was waiting for us.

“Hey guys!” he yelled, waving his arms around and attracting the attention of the entire store.

“Did you really need coffee Nick?” I mumbled as I paid for my costume.

“Yes.” We all finished paying and went outside into the blinding sun, Jonathan running ahead with Pat on his back. The costume store happened to be a mere block away from the venue.

“Hey no fair, I want a piggy back ride!” Garrett whined, sticking his head out of a tour bus.

“Yeah well I want a rainbow colored unicorn, but we can’t have everything, now can we Mr. Nickelsen?” He grumbled and darted off the bus, revealing that he was wearing an Optimus Prime costume. “You’re a loser” I announced, patting him on the head and skipping over to the FTSK bus to show Paige my costume.

“PAIGE FACE” I sang as I skipped onto the bus, swinging my costume back and forth and smiling like a five year old.

“What do you want” she mumbled from her bunk.

“Oops. Are you asleep?”

“Yes. That’s how I’m able to talk to you right now. Fascinating isn’t it?” I rolled my eyes and ripped open the curtain to her bunk and glared.

“Get out here; I need to show you my Halloween costume!”

“Can’t you just hold it up or something?”

“No, because I want to see yours too. The show starts in a few hours anyways; you need to wake up sleepy butt.”

“Fine.” We went into the back room of the bus and faced away from each other so we could change and surprise each other.

“Okay, ready…” I said, placing the pair oftiger Tigger ears on my head and waiting for Paige’s confirmation.

“Ready!” she announced, and we both whirled around.

“Aw, you’re Hermione! That’s rad” I said, snatching the wand she held and toying with it.

“Tigger is a good costume for you, I like it!”

“Good we dressed as ourselves then. You’re really smart and cool and I’m energetic and the shit. It works.” We laughed and waltzed out of the bus to go find everything, me with a video camera in my hand and Paige with her own digital camera.

“Who should we go find first?”

“Hmm…I don’t care. Let’s just walk around aimlessly and see what happens.” Paige nodded and we entered the venue, bumping right into Austin. “Austin! You’re an indian” I pointed out obviously, poking his headdress.

"Yes. Yes I am.” I turned on my camera and pointed it at him.

“Happy Halloween!” he yelled into the lens, then pulled back and did a stupid dance.

“Happy Halloween Chief Austin! Do you know where the other guys are?” I asked with a grin.

“Yes, I do. Follow me.” He took off down the hallway and we ran after him, past ‘Sir Patrick’ attempting to fight ‘Optimus Prime’. I shoved Sir Patrick into Optimus Prime and they both fell over in a heap on the floor, which ended the fight abruptly. “Here’s Jonathan” Austin said, feigning excitement. Jonathan looked completely ridiculous, but he just looked so damn happy to be a cowboy.

“You’re a cowboy from Texas. How original!” I said, earning a frown from Jonathan and a laugh from Austin.

“Be quiet, you love it.” I nodded and mouthed ‘no’ to Paige, who was eyeing Kent warily.

“Don't die Kent” she said with a hint of laughter. Kent was a robot. He’d somehow painted himself silver and had a box on his head, and due to the box, he couldn’t see anything.

“Well that’s half the band. Where’s everyone else?” I asked Kent the robot.

“Well Kyle’s over there talking to Danny.” I cursed under my breath for no reason, other than that my heart had skipped a beat.

“Thanks Kent!” I said, turning the box on his head around so he couldn’t see at all.

“Hey Kyle and Danny!” I yelled, skipping over to them with my camera. Danny was a caveman, and Kyle was a tiger. “Kyle” I whined, kicking his leg since my hands were both occupied by the camera. “Did you really have to take my costume idea?” He laughed and shook his head then walked back over to the other guys with me.

“I’m not Tigger, I’m Hobbes.”

“OH!” I said over excitedly. “Like ‘Calvin and Hobbes’ Hobbes!”

“Yes, like that Hobbes, Pheebs” he said, still laughing at me. I turned off my camera and shoved it back in its bag, which sat on a table by the dressing rooms.

“Aw, you guys match!” Jonathan said, holding back a laugh.

“This was not planned” I muttered under my breath, blowing a strand of my blonde hair out of my eyes in frustration.

“Maybe it was. Maybe I’m psychic and I read your mind, and knew what you were gonna be. So I decided to match you.” I punched Kyle in the arm, seeing as how I couldn’t reach his head all that well, and stuck my tongue out.

“Yeah right. If you could read my mind you’d” I decided to stop myself before I gracefully revealed my little crush to the entire group.

“I’d what?” he asked curiously, wiggling his eyebrows.

“You’d be bored. My mind’s not very exciting.” He laughed and hugged me tightly, then carried me out to the stage with everyone else.

“Doors open in half an hour!” Marc yelled, running into the room in his dog costume. He climbed up on the stage with us and I smiled, everyone looked so ridiculous.

“I have to take a picture of you guys lined up on the stage like this, it’s too awesome” I said, grabbing my camera and standing in front of the stage. I was about to take the picture, when Kyle stopped me.

“Where’s Caleb?”
♠ ♠ ♠
This was fun to write. I used some of the costumes they actually wore this past year, but I changed a few. Also, I didn't know what everyone was. But I had to keep Travis a dinosaur.
