But I'm Not a Princess


You could say that I’m popular; I mean I have a lot of friends, get invited to the parties, never eat alone at lunch, but also have never gotten the chance at love. I’ve seen all my friends go out with their boyfriends and then gush to me about their first kiss, expecting me to know what they mean. But I don’t. The truth is that I’m a high school senior who has never had a boyfriend, let alone a first kiss. Sure I have had my share of crushes but do they go anywhere….no. I guess that considering my lack of experience I’m not the kind of girl who expects her prince charming to sweep her off her feet and travel off into the sunset. That only happens in fairy tales, which don’t exist.

But that was before I met him. Yes, the guy that considered me as his best friend. The best friend, not the girlfriend, and I would only be considered as the best friend. I was caught in the friend stage only wanting more. I was just wondering if he wanted it too.

So I guess you are wondering why I am telling you all of this. Well, I’m about to tell you about my senior year of high school, the year it all changes.

But will it be for the better or for the worse?
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Does it sound good?? Let me know. It's my first story. Thanks!