But I'm Not a Princess

Not What I Expected

I walk into my first class, AP Calculus. Fun, I think not. Actually, I am really good at math so it’s not too bad. I look around the room to see if any of my friends are in the same class. I look and see that both Leslie and Kim are here, along with Clark and Matt two of my guy friends. When the bell rings I take a seat in the middle of the classroom. The teacher begins with the whole boring first day of school spiel meaning everyone begins to zone out. All of the sudden I hear the door open and about 75% of the girls in the class squeal. Yes, they squealed. I turned my head to ask Matt what all the fuss was about, he just nodded his head to the direction of the door. By the door was this guy around my age with dark brown shaggy hair and ray bans covering his eyes. Doesn’t he know he isn’t outside? I mean it’s like wearing sunglasses at night, why bother? As I ponder his choice of eyewear, the boy begins to speak.

“Umm…Hi? I’m new.”

“Wow…like we couldn’t tell,” someone mumbled to themselves.

The teacher began to talk, “Class, I would like to introduce you to our new student, Joseph. As you guys are all into the popular music right now you probably recognize Joe from the band The Jonas Brothers. Even though Joseph is famous, he came to this school to be a normal kid and shall be treated as such. Understood class?”

“Yes Mrs. Stewart,” the class answers in a monotone voice. So that is the band that’s at our school now. I turn my head to face Leslie and Kim and they return the look as in understanding. I can already see half the girls checking him out. Yep, I have no chance with this guy.

“Now Joseph, please take a seat anywhere you would like. Oh, and welcome to AP Calculus.”

As Joseph looks around the class, I begin to realize that the only open seat is next to me. When Joseph takes his seat he looks at me and smiles. I smile back wanting him to feel welcome but still questioning his sunglasses, so it comes off a little forced. He begins to look confused.

“Is there something wrong?” He asks.

“Umm, no. I was just wondering why you are still wearing sunglasses,” I reply. His face turns red, out of embarrassment and takes off his sunglasses. I turn my attention to my notebook as I begin to doodle. He is still staring at me and I begin to get annoyed. Can’t that boy just let a girl doodle? I mean come on!

I face him and ask, “Is there something else you wanted, Joseph?”

“Well first off, please call me Joe. And secondly… has anyone ever told you that you have really pretty hair?”

“Uh…Thanks?” Pretty hair? Seriously, that guy is a rock star for Christ’s sake, can’t he come up with something better. We both realize that we are staring at each other and we both look away. Thankfully the bell rang, signaling the end of math. As I begin making my way towards the door Mrs. Stewart tells Joe and me to stay after class.

“So Joseph, I noticed you were late today and didn’t want you to keep repeating that in your next classes so I was wondering if Kirsten would be nice enough to show you around today,” Mrs. Stewart asked.

I nodded, wanting to make a good impression on Mrs. Stewart and heck maybe me and Ray Ban boy will become friends. Yeah, that’s doubtful. He will probably be under Em’s spell before school gets out today. Oh right, Em is Grade A, Queen Bee material. Absolutely gorgeous, flawless skin, tan, skinny, rich, did I mention beyond gorgeous. Basically all the males in the high school were in love with her.

So now that you know about Em, I can continue with my life.

So now I was Joe’s buddy for the day. I ask Joe for his schedule and realize that we basically have the same schedule besides two classes.

“This will make it a little easier to show you around,” I say trying to ease the awkward silence. I realize that Joe is not listening to a word I say. I stare in disbelief. Wasn’t he just ten minutes ago staring and complementing me and now he is pretending like I don’t exist. What is up with this boy? We continue down the hall, me talking about what is where, Joe obviously not listening. That is basically how the day went until it was time for lunch. I was walking with Joe when guess who pops up behind me.

“Hey Kirsten! It’s been so long! How’s summer been?” Em asks in the fakest voice I have ever heard.

“Oh it was, you know, summer. How was France?” I ask trying not to cringe.

“OMG! It was amazing! But what isn’t in my life! So who’s your friend? Hello, I’m Em,” she says obviously done with talking to me.

“Um Hi. I’m Joe.”

I walk away because no guy ever escapes from Em. She has this power over them or something. I meet up with Elaine, Kim, Leslie, Matt, and Clark, and we sit in our normal spots in the cafeteria. We all talk about our classes and how the new history teacher was talking throughout the whole class with a piece of lettuce in her teeth. I begin to tell them about Joe and how I am showing him around.

“Where is he then?” Elaine asks.

“Well you see we kind of met up with Em. I figured she had him under her spell so I left them. Who knows where they are now,” I say.

“I do!” Kim yells. We all look at her with confused expressions. “He’s coming our way.”

And there he is, minus Em surprisingly. He comes over and sits down on the chair next to me.
“Hey, why did you leave me with her?” He asks and I think I hear a hint of annoyance in it.

“Oh I thought that…well, um….you see…” I stutter. “I thought you wanted to talk to her,” I managed to get out.

“Oh no. She was unbearable to talk to. Have you ever heard anyone with a faker voice than her?”

We all shake our heads. Wow. I guess Joe isn’t what I expected him to be.
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Wow! 5 suscribers already! Thanks guys!! But no comments? Please comment so I can see what I need to work on or what I'm doing well. I have never really written a story like this before so I'm kinda lost a little bit. SO I need all the help I can get! Thanks so much!!!