Let's Leave the Edge and Fly

Just So You Know, I'd Lie

Michelle’s Point of View

“So how was your day, sweetie?” my mother asked as she sorted away the grocery items in the cabinet.

It went great, mom! I hung out with Kevin Jonas all day. I went over to the Jonas house and saw Nick and Joe fight over homemade sugar cookies!

“It went alright, just the usual school work. By the way, we’re having a field trip in two days, so I need you to sign some piece of paper so I can go,” I informed her as I handed the plastic bag of chips to her.
“Where are they taking you kids?” my dad asked as he looked over the newspaper he had just bought at the grocery store.

“Some science place about twenty minutes away. It’s supposed to take half of our school day, but it’s not assured yet,” I added putting the vegetables in the refrigerator.

I finished up helping my parents put up the grocery in its place and took a seat on the living room couch thinking of what I could do for the rest of the day. Looking outside the window, I saw the snow fall down like paper sheets. The snow began to fall stronger since I came home from the park. I sighed as I laid my head back on the couch and just closed my eyes, placing my hand on the necklace that hung around my neck everyday. The smooth edging of the pendant formed a small star.

“Cute necklace, Mich,” my mom mentioned as she walked into the living room and took a seat on the other end of the couch. I lifted my head as I felt my eyes widen once those words came out of her mouth.

“Uh, thanks?”

“No problem, when did you get it?”

I got it two weeks ago when I was at the movies hanging out with Kevin Jonas. The guy who’s family you hate so much, and won’t let me hang out with. I snapped back to reality.

“Oh, my friend Jessica gave it to me a while back. It was for being a good friend to her, why?” I sighed and let go of the necklace placing my hands in my lap. The nervousness in my body made my fingers fumble with each other.

“Just wondering, I though it might’ve been from a guy or something,” she teased while winking at me. I let out a fake smile and laugh as I shook my head. Yeah, I did get it from my boyfriend!

“No, ha… I don’t have a boyfriend…” Lie, but what she doesn’t know won’t hurt her, so we’re okay. The awkward silence filled the room as my mom just scanned through her People magazine she had just bought from the store. I was curious about one thing, something that she always told me she would explain to me later.

“Mom,” I called out. She looked over at me and smiled. “Can I ask you something?”

She nodded her head and flipped the page to the celebrity filled magazine that was in her hands, “Sure, what is it?”

“I know I’ve asked this so-”

“Michelle, how many times do I have to tell you this? You’re too young to know what happened, okay? Why does it interest you so much anyways?” she snapped as her eyes bugged open. She was irritated. Annoyed.

“It’s just a curiosity. They seem like such nice people and you’re always blowing them off!” I sighed knowing that this wasn’t going to go anywhere. “I’m eighteen, old enough to know these things.”

“You’re still not old enough, so quit asking.”

“Mom,” I looked over at her and narrowed my eyes. She smiled and let out the biggest sigh I had ever heard from her.

“Fine, I guess you are old enough,” she replied while scooting closer to me. The magazine she was once reading, was now on the arm of the couch. She looked at me with this nervous look on her face.

“Just tell me, okay?”

“Alright, well you remember your aunt Loretta? The one from Italy?” she questioned.

“Yeah, what about her?” my aunt Loretta wasn’t always mentioned between our entire family. I really never knew why. She was just kept out of everything.

“Okay, well… a couple years before you were born, one of Denise’s brothers was super close with your aunt Loretta. One night both of them went out to Louisiana Casino’s without anyone knowing that they were gone,” she paused looking down at her hands. “Weeks later half of the money that was invested in our pastry shop was gone. Immediately, Loretta blamed it on the Jonas family and they blamed it on us. It became such a great argument, that no one really knows what happened. I still say it was your Aunt Loretta’s addiction to the casino’s. That’s where it all went.”

“So, why don’t you accept their apologies?” it clearly didn’t make any sense to me on why my parents were mad at the Jonas family if they knew it wasn’t their fault. This couldn’t be the reason why my parents were like that.

“Let me finish,” she raised her eyes and looked straight into mine. “That same day, Loretta had vanished with Lorenzo, they guy who is Denise’s brother. Your grandma was worried sick for her; she just didn’t know what to do.”

“…and? What happened after that?” I was just like Curious George was.

“Your aunt was found injured on the side of the road, while Lorenzo was killed not too far from where your aunt was at. So basically, the Jonas’ think it was our fault that Lorenzo died, because Loretta was the kind of girl who be everywhere. Then again, we knew Loretta very well to know she wasn’t like that. We blamed it on Lorenzo for injuring our sister that night; let’s just say he was known for having people coming after him. No one knows what happened that night, so that’s why the problem showed up. Before that, we were great friends, whatever the problem was, we were there. Though, those two kids loved each other, that’s what we did know. So I guess they just wanted to escape and be free to live their life’s,” the look in my mothers eyes showed hurt, pain and weakness. I hadn’t known that my Aunt Loretta also fell in love with a Jonas. Did she feel what I was feeling with Kevin, now?

“That’s why you guys rarely speak of her, right?” questioning my mother, all she did was nod her head. “I don’t understand why… they had it all. You guys weren’t in any sort of argument or anything at the time they fell in love. So why would they run away?” that thought kept roaming around in my mind. If there weren’t any problems going on at that moment, why would they runaway?

“Your grandmother never approved of Lorenzo,” answering my question, my mother got up from the couch and set the magazine on the coffee table. With her eyes getting somewhat watery, she walked out of the living room and up the stairs to where my dad was in his entertainment center.

Was history repeating itself with Kevin and I? Could it be possible that it was up to Kevin and I to fix the entire feud between our families?

That night I fell asleep just wanting everything to come clear for me to figure out why it was all happening. The soothing sound of the snow hitting the window rocked me to sleep that night.

Never looking back at what we've done, we'll say it was love

You're a song
Written by the hands of god
Don't get me wrong cause
This might sound to you a bit odd
But you own the place
Where all my thoughts go hiding
And right under your clothes
Is where I find them
Underneath Your Clothes
There's an endless story
There's the man I chose
There's my territory
And all the things I deserve
For being such a good girl honey

My cell phone rang and vibrated on my night stand at 6:39 AM. Just by listening at the ring tone, I immediately knew it was Kevin. I flipped open the phone and pressed the tiny green button.

“Hello?” I answered all groggily. Six AM wasn’t the time I’d normally wake up at, not even to go to school. “Uh yeah, sure. Just give me like, twenty minutes and I’ll meet you in the tree house. I love you too, bye,” hanging up the phone, I rolled out of bed and dragged my feet over to the shower and took a nice hot shower. After ten minutes of being in the shower, I grabbed my robe and put it on. My hair was wavy after I had brushed it, and it was fine with me. The make-up consisted of a light glittery eye-shadow and onyx colored eyeliner and mascara. Reaching for my closet, I chose my purple dress and black leggings with my black boots that I loved so much. In less than twenty minutes, I was done and made my way over to the tree house Kevin asked me to meet him at. The black thick sweater protected me from the coldness of the air. While the boots helped my feet keep warm. Luckily the snow had stopped this morning.

“Over here,” Kevin said as he came out from behind a bush. I smiled and walked over to him.

“Why’d you wake me up so early? The sun is barely out…” I laughed scratching the tip of my nose. He grinned and took me by the hand, leading me to his black Liberty Jeep. This was bound to be an adventure.

Let's leave this town behind
♠ ♠ ♠
Lalala, update! [:
So this was to be a one-shot... I fell in love with the story, and I had to make it more than a one-shot. [: It's the first story I write where Joe and Anny aren't the main characters! xD Haha, I love it. [:
Feedback is loved like an emo boy loves his eyeliner. [:
-Lovebuggy Anny

(Shat, I almost forgot... Kevin Jonas was on the list of Sexiest guys in 2008 for people magazine ;])