There's No I In Team

One Shot

‘Soldier! What’s the most deadly weapon you can posses during combat?’ Corporal Lucas yelled into my face.

It was pitch black when we landed in the enemy’s territory, and everything was dead still. Not a single sound pierced the silent night, and although this could be used to our advantage it could also end in the whole unit’s death, and so it was with the utmost stealth that we moved painfully slowly towards what appeared to be a deserted town in the middle of nowhere. One false move, and our cover would be blown, and the mission a waste of time, as well as a waste of lives, because if they suspected anyone was coming, then they wouldn’t hesitate to murder the person we were here to rescue. Corporal Lucas was the only person on our side still alive that knew the location of the virus that the enemy had planned to unleash on the western world. What they didn’t realise however, was that within weeks it would be so widespread that the human race wouldn’t stand a chance at survival, and so in order to stop them we had to rescue the Corporal from under their noses.
‘Shanks’ I hissed as quietly as possible into the mike that was attached to my helmet. I continued without waiting for him to reply, which was a luxury I didn’t have time for. ‘How are you going back there? Picked up any electronic signals yet?’ I quizzed him, trying to hide the desperation in my voice, for the sake of the unit.
‘Looks good so far Sir, all I’ve seen is a phone landline, and some sort of internet connection. No camera’s or security of any other sort’ he replied swiftly and as accurately as possible, whilst still keeping the report short and simple, so that the whole unit could understand and comprehend.
‘Right, in we go. Shanks, you stay here, and radio back to the commander if need be. Stumpy, you and Vello go in first, then West and myself will follow, and Bunter and Gates will bring up the rear. Get in, be thorough and don’t let anyone leave that building alive. The only thing that matters tonight is keeping Lucas alive and that virus where it belongs’ I commanded, while the group split into pairs and leapt into action. ‘Watch each other’s backs’ I added just before the first group entered the building, guns up, eyes alert. I counted to 15 as calmly as possible as the gunfire rang out in front of me, before West and myself followed Stumpy and Vello. Entering the pockmarked doorway I did a sweep of the small room that was in front of me, my eyes finding Stumpy leaning over Vello halfway through. I continued the sweep before walking over, as Vello took his last breath before his body went limp. Stumpy stood, and joined our small party, which now made its way into the next room, where the Corporal was tightly bound in the corner. I instinctively held out my arm to stop the other two from entering. Getting him out alive is all that matters I repeated over and over in my head as I assessed the situation. That was all it took, that moment of hesitation, and one of my men dropped behind me. Then I realised that Bunter and Gates hadn’t joined us yet, as planned, but I hadn’t heard any more gunshots.
‘Shit’ I hissed under my breath as the realisation hit me. ‘Sniper’ I breathed, just as West dropped to the floor as well. No one was in the room with Lucas, it was all a set up. Keep us out of the room long enough and we became sitting ducks, so I dropped and rolled into the room before the sniper could get a clear shot. Kicking the door shut behind me I tried to radio Shanks, with no luck. I had to assume that he was dead as well, so I made my way over to Lucas, keeping my eye on the door at all times. It was only a matter of time.

‘Sir!’ I snapped back, saluting him before promptly answering as tears came to my eyes as I remember those three days of hell before Shanks had finally got through with help, ‘The most deadly weapon a soldier can posses during combat is his unit. Without it he doesn’t stand a chance, Sir!’
‘Very good Soldier. Dismissed’ He said, saluting once more before turning on his heel and walking away.
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Hope it was worth you're time to read it. Hope anyone that read's it enjoys it. And anyone that's read my other stuff, a question: Do you think it's completely different to what I normally write and how I normally write, or is it just my imagination?

Thanks ya'll...