Light In The Darkness


As I got dressed in clothes that Cole had brought for me to wear, Cole signed release forms and payment forms. I was aware of how much he had paid and was unsure how to pay him back for it. I knew I could do it with money, but I didn't know how else to do it. I sat on the bed worrying about it and didn't realise when Cole walked into the room. "Lauren?" he asked as he saw me thinking. I looked up and smiled at him.
"I was just thinking," I said softly. He didn't say anything, just waited for me to continue. "I don’t know how I can repay you for this..."
"I have an idea," he smiled.
"Do I get to know it?" I asked him but he shook his head.
"I'll tell you eventually," he smiled and I smiled back. I stood up and walked over to him and kissed him tenderly.

He then took my bag over one shoulder and wrapped his arm around my waist as we walked out of the hospital. At the entrance I noticed the receptionist watching Cole. I frowned slightly as jealousy bit at my heart. "Have a nice day," she smiled as she looked at Cole and I recognised her as the woman we had spoken to before.
"You, too," Cole replied smiling and we left the hospital. I continued to frown as we walked across the car park and until Cole and I were both seated in the car. "Why are you frowning?" he asked, running his fingers over my forehead to smooth out the lines.
"Did you know that woman was flirting with you?" I asked him.
"What woman?" he asked, surprised.
"The receptionist," I said and Cole's eyebrows went up and then he smirked slightly.
"Are you jealous, baby?" he asked and I felt my cheeks turn slightly red. "Baby, you know you're the only one for me." I smiled and kissed him tenderly.
"I guess seeing everything isn’t that great," I said softly. "I can now see how desired you are by every woman we walk passed." Cole put his fingertips under my chin and forced my eyes to meet his.
"I love you, Lauren," he whispered. "I haven’t even noticed another woman since I met you. You're the only one I need." I smiled.
"I love you too," I said. "I'm sorry."
"Don't be," Cole smiled and started the car. "It's natural." I smiled and held his hand as we drove out of the car park.

About half an hour later Cole asked, "So where are your parents' graves?"
"Peacehaven graveyard," I said. "Next to the church." Cole nodded and looked at me briefly.
"When was the last time you went there?" he asked and I closed my eyes with shame.
"The funeral," I admitted. "I...I couldn’t face going there. Not when I felt so guilty."
" don’t feel guilty anymore?" he asked and I could hear the hope in his voice.
"No..." I smiled. "You helped me passed it." I looked at him and saw he was smiling proudly. I laughed slightly.

As we approached Peacehaven I started to get nervous. I wasn’t sure why I should be nervous but I was. "Can we stop at a flower shop first?" I asked.
"Of course," Cole smiled. About 5 minutes away from the church Cole pulled the car to a stop in a parking space along the high street. We got out of the car and headed in the direction of the flower shop. We entered the shop and I was immediately swamped with the smell. I smiled and looked round at all the flowers. I knew which flowers I was looking for. My eyes landed on my mum's favourite flowers and my heart clenched painfully. I pulled out two bunches of blood red tulips and paid for them. Seeing these flowers after so many years reminded myself of how mum had insisted that all the flowers that we had in out garden were tulips. I smiled slightly as I remembered. "Ready?" Cole asked and I nodded.
"Ready," I smiled.

We went back to the car and drove the last short journey to the church. I looked out at all the graves in front of me and took a deep breath. I could remember the path I had taken all those years ago for the funeral and followed it, carrying the flowers in my arms. I ended up standing in front of two gravestones. 'Here Lies Clara Simons, beloved Mother. I love you' 'Here lies Cliff Simons, beloved Father. I love you.' Tears pricked in my eyes. I remember telling them what I wanted on the gravestones and I had adamantly insisted that both had 'I love you' on them. I laid the flowers down, one bunch in front of my mum's grave, the other in front of my dad's. I looked around for Cole and saw him standing several feet away, giving me privacy. I smiled softly and then turned back to the gravestones. I knelt down in front of them, tears rolling down my cheeks. "I'm so sorry," I whispered. "I'm so sorry about what happened. I'm sorry I haven’t come here. I love you so much. I miss you." I fought back the sobs that were rising in my chest. I quickly changed the direction of my thoughts. "I'm engaged, can you believe it? I'm getting married to Cole. You would have loved him. He's amazing. He paid for the surgery." My optimism soon dwindled and I found myself thinking about how much I missed them again. "I miss you so much," I sobbed. "I wish you were still with me. I'm so sorry."

Someone sat down next to me and wrapped their arms around me. I sobbed into Cole's chest. I hadn’t realised how much I missed them until now. I clutched at Cole's shirt and squeezed my eyes shut. "It's alright, baby," he whispered as he held me tightly. I missed them so much, but I had Cole now. Of course, he couldn’t replace them, but he filled the hole they left behind. He filled it with something else, but it was just as good.
"I have you," I whispered.
"Always," he whispered back. "I'm always here for you." I nodded and pulled away and wiped at my eyes.
"Thank you," I whispered. We stood up slowly and with one last look at the graves I walked back to the car with Cole.

When we got back to Cole's house my eyebrows rose. His house was amazing. It was massive and surrounded by trees. I had never got the sense that the house was this large. Maybe it was because Cole had made it feel homey. Cole grinned at me before opening the front door. I didn't have time to wonder what he was grinning about because the second the door was open a gorgeous golden puppy ran out. I grinned as well and knelt down and hugged Pacca to me. "He's beautiful," I smiled and stroked him and tickled him. He jumped up and kept trying to lick my face but I just laughed. Cole laughed and leant down and picked Pacca up. Pacca struggled, trying to get free but Cole held on. I smiled at them. This is what I'd wanted to see forever, Cole and Pacca playing together.

We moved into the house and Cole took me round it, showing me all the rooms I had been in dozens of times. I was right, Cole had made it all very homey, with comfy sofas and pictures of his family. I picked one up and looked at it. There was a man and woman smiling blissfully down at a baby boy. "These are your parents?" I asked but already knowing they were. Cole nodded and I smiled. "You look like your dad." He smiled and nodded.
"I know, people often thought we were brothers," he smiled and I smiled back.
"Do you miss them?" I asked and he nodded again.
"I didn't know my mum but I miss her," he said and I moved into his arms and held him tightly. "My dad best mate. He wasn’t like a proper dad. He...struggled when my mum died and wasn’t sure how to be a father, but he was my best friend." I smiled slightly.
"We have each other now," I whispered and Cole squeezed me tighter and nodded into my shoulder.
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this story is coming to an end soon...only a couple more chapters. :-(
i'd love to hear from u, so pls comment!!