Light In The Darkness


I couldn’t contain my excitement as I sat at my kitchen table. I had put my dress on and had my black coat over my arm. I don't usually wear heals as they're a safety hazard even for people who can see, but for this occasion I wanted to. As a rule, I don’t wear make-up. If I ever try, I usually give myself an orange glow from foundation, and smudged, black eyes. Les and Kim told me I didn't need it anyway. They were the closest I had to family. Les was about 45 and acted like my father, Kim was his wife and acted like my mother. They owned the cafe that I spent most of my time at.

The doorbell rang and I jumped. I wasn’t sure of the time, but I guessed it was near 7. I opened the front door and I heard a slight intake of breath. "You look beautiful," Cole said and I blushed slightly.
"Thank you," I smiled. I grabbed my keys from the table next to the front door and stepped out and locked the door. Cole then took my hand and led me to his car. I was unsure whether he was doing it to help me, or because he just wanted to hold my hand. I smiled anyway, telling myself it was the latter. We drove for a short while and finally the car pulled to a stop. Cole climbed out of the car and then I heard my door open. Cole found my hand and slowly pulled me out of the car. I immediately noticed the lack of noise that usually accompanied a restaurant. I stopped walking. "Where are we?" I asked and I felt Cole stop walking next to me and stand in front of me.
"My place," he said and I took a step backwards, suddenly aware that I had no idea where I was or how to get home. "Hey, Lauren, it's ok, I just...thought I'd make you dinner instead of taking you out."
"Why?" I asked, my voice almost a whisper.
"I...I thought it would be...easier," he said and I frowned. "And I wanted to talk to you, it's more...personal this way, no other noises, no one else around." He paused and I looked down, trying to think of something to say. "You can trust me, Lauren." I looked back up, towards his silver shine. I hesitated slightly before speaking.
"I know," I whispered and I felt Cole's relief.
"Thank you," he said and took my hand again and continued to lead me towards his house.

We were silent until I heard a key slide into a lock. The door then opened and Cole guided me inside. "Do you have any pets?" I asked him as he shut the door.
"Yeah, a dog," he said hesitantly. "Is that ok?" I grinned and nodded.
"Can I meet him?" I asked and I heard Cole laugh softly.
"Sure," he said and took my hand again. He led me a short way and then I heard the scruffling noise of paws on a smooth surface. "This is Pacca." I reached out but couldn’t find anything. "Bit lower, he's a puppy," Cole said and I knelt down. Immediately a small dog jumped into my lap and started licking my face. I laughed and stroked him and rubbed his belly.
"What breed is he?" I asked.
"Golden retriever," Cole replied and I could hear his smile. I heard him kneel next to me and the puppy moved to greet him.
"How long have you had him?" I asked, aware that I was asking a lot of questions.
"About half a year. He's about 9 months old," he said and I nodded. I heard Cole laugh and I suddenly wished I could see him playing with this puppy, I wished I could see, even for a second. Then I would have an image to get me through, because I'm sure just seeing Cole for a second would be more than enough. "Lauren, you okay?" he asked and my head snapped up.
"Yeah, sorry, just thinking," I smiled.
"Penny for your thoughts," Cole said as he took my hand and pulled me up. I smiled but shook my head.
"Maybe later," I said and Cole dropped it. I couldn’t express how grateful I was that he did. I had learned long ago that I shouldn't wish I could see, and I shouldn’t start again because I meet a nice guy who sounds gorgeous.

Cole then led me into a room that had amazing smells filling it. "Wow, it smells amazing," I smiled and Cole laughed.
"Thanks, but it's really not much," he said and I heard pots being moved.
"What is it?" I asked.
"Pasta Puttanesca," he said and I grinned.
"Great," I said and Cole laughed again.
"Actually, I think it's done, what would you like to drink?" he asked and I shrugged.
"Anything's good," I said and I heard Cole move across the room. A minute later Cole put a wine glass in my hand and I smiled. "Thanks."

Cole led me to a chair and I sat down and then pulled myself to my usual inch away from the table, so I knew where I was. "How long have you lived here?" I asked as I heard china clinking.
"About 3 months," he said and my eyebrows rose.
"Not very long then," I smiled. "Do you like it here?"
"Yeah, I do," he said and I heard a plate being set in front of me. "I used to live in London, I went to university there, but I'm not really a city person. I wanted to get away from the noise. Peacehaven sounded just the place." I grinned and nodded as I found a fork in front of me.
"So, you're staying here, then?" I asked and I heard a slight chuckle from in front of me.
"Definitely," he said and I grinned. We ate for a few silent minutes, but it was not uncomfortable. "What about you? Have you lived here long?"
"My whole life," I nodded.
"Wow,'re family are round here?" he asked but I shook my head.
"My parents died 13 years ago," I said softly.
"I'm sorry," Cole said and I nodded. "Don't...answer if you don’t want to...but, how come you stayed here? Surely its got bad memories...?"
"Yeah," I sighed. "But I can't see them. And it's also got good memories. And the noise of the sea is comforting to me." I smiled as I remembered. "When I was a child and I got scared at night because the sea was howling, my dad would take me down to the beach, even if it was passed midnight, just to show me that there was nothing to be scared of. We always got soaked and my mum would get mad. But my dad took me every time, just to prove it to me..." I shook my head slightly and put another piece of pasta in my mouth. "And...even if I did want to leave, there's no where for me to go..."
"My parents aren’t around either," Cole said and I turned towards him. "My mother died when I was born, internal haemorrhage, and my father had a heart attack 2 years ago."
"I'm sorry," I said and I heard Cole sigh.
"He would love it down here," he said and I smiled weakly.

There was another silence, filled only with the scrape of metal on china, and then Cole spoke, his tone changed completely. "We've gotten onto a morbid topic...we should change it." I grinned and agreed.
"Can I ask you something?" I asked.
"Sure," he said.
"What do you look like?" I asked and Cole laughed.
"I'm 6 foot 2, dark brown hair about 2 inches long, dark brown eyes, tan skin, medium build," he replied with a chuckle. I smiled at the image in my head.
"Can I ask you something else?" I asked him, more hesitant this time.
"Go ahead," Cole said and I could hear his smile.
"I don’t...I've never asked anyone this before..." I said, worriedly.
"Just ask, Lauren," he said.
"What do I look like?" I asked and Cole paused. He was silent long enough for me to get uncomfortable and I shifted in my seat, aware he was staring at me.
"You're...beautiful. You've got long, wavy brown hair, much lighter than mine, pale skin, I'm guessing you're about 5'3 or 5'4, a gorgeous smile, medium build but curves in all the right places," he said and I blushed slightly. "There's one thing I haven’t seen yet," he continued and I frowned slightly. "Can you take your glasses off?" he asked, his voice soft. I tensed.
"I don’t like people seeing my eyes," I said softly. Cole didn't say anything so I continued. "I...I don’t know what they look like, and I'm scared that they look...different." I heard the rustle of fabric as Cole stood and came around the table to my side. He crouched down next to me and I turned towards him. I felt his hand on my hair, softly stroking it behind my ear, he then stroked my cheek gently, and finally his fingers moved towards my black glasses. He gave me every chance to say no, but I didn't. I wanted Cole to see me, and I wanted him to accept me, even if I was different. The glasses slowly slipped down my nose but I closed my eyes automatically and Cole tenderly brushed his fingertips over my eyelids.
"Baby, open your eyes," he whispered and I did. I looked towards where I could see Cole's shining silhouette and focused on it. "They're beautiful. The brightest green I have ever seen. Not a thing wrong with them," Cole said softly. He then moved and I closed my eyes in time to feel Cole's lips on my eyelids. My breath caught in my throat and I raised my hand and placed it on Cole's arm. I tilted my head towards him and he stroked my cheek again. "Lauren, I don’t want you to think this is why I brought you here, rather than take you out," he whispered, his breath feathering against my skin. "I wanted to talk to you."
"I know," I whispered.
"I didn't know I would...want to...touch you, kiss you so badly," he whispered, his lips brushing the skin of my cheek.
"I know," I whispered again. "I trust you." I then felt his lips on mine gently, tenderly, but then heating up and kissing me deeply.
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Hey! second chapter, yay!
everytime i re-read what i've already written or write more, i remember how much i love this story. hope u like it, too!!