Light In The Darkness


When I got home that evening, I was still buzzing from Cole's kiss. I could still taste him on my lips. "I'll see you again soon, right?" Cole asked at my doorstep and I smiled.
"I hope so," I said. Cole leant down and kissed my cheek tenderly. I felt my heart flip in my chest and then Cole stepped away.
"Bye, Lauren," he said softly.
"Bye," I whispered and opened my front door. I heard Cole walking away so I went inside and closed the door, a grin spreading over my face. I leant against the wall next to the door and took a deep breath. Oh, my God. If I wasn’t careful, I was going to fall hard and fast, and I wasn’t sure if I should...

I went upstairs and changed out of my dress and into a pair of grey trackies and a black tank top. I then got into bed and snuggled against the pillows, a grin still covering my face. I couldn’t seem to stop. He was just...perfect. And he didn't even care I was blind. I had several dreams that night, but they all had something in common. Cole Green.

The next day I went to the cafe at my usual time and stopped in the doorway when I saw a silver shine from across the room. I felt a smiled come to my lips but I continued to the till. "Cole has been waiting for you," Les said and I felt thrills ripple to my heart.
"Really?" I asked, my voice no louder than a whisper.
"Really, and he already paid for your hot chocolate," Les said. He then took my elbow and led me to a table where the silver glow was coming from. I sat down and someone, Les or Cole, put a warm mug in my hands.
"Thank you," I said softly. I heard footsteps as Les walked away and I turned towards Cole.
"Hey," he said and I smiled.
"Hi," I said back. I didn't know what else to say, and it appeared he didn't either.
"Have dinner with me again, tonight," he said. It wasn’t a request, it was a demand, but I didn't care because I already knew my answer.
"I'd love to," I smiled.
"Great," he said and I could hear his smile. I wished I could see his smile. "Do you come here every day?"
"Yeah, Les and Kim are like my family. They were my foster parents after my parents died," I said.
"They're nice," Cole said and I nodded. "Les is very protective of you." I smiled.
"He acts just like my dad," I smiled. "He doesn’t want me to get hurt."
"Neither do I," he said and I lifted my head and looked at his silver glow. "Can I ask you something?" I hesitated before answering.
"Sure," I said.
"Will you answer it?" Cole asked, sensing my hesitation.
"Depends what it is," I replied and Cole paused before asking the question.
"When you came in..." he said slowly and I already knew what the question was. " look right towards me and smiled. How did you know I was here?" I bit my lip. I wanted to tell him, but I wasn’t sure if it sounded insane...
"Can I tell you later? I want to...prepare my answer," I said softly. "I'm...not used to..." I trailed off shaking my head and waited for his response.
"Sure," he said. "But you better prepare, because I'm not going to forget." I grinned and nodded. "Can I ask you something else?" he asked, his voice slightly different. I nodded again. "When you came in and you smiled. Where you smiling because you were just being polite, or because I was here and you wanted to be with me again?"
"That's an easy one to answer," I smiled. "The second option. I wanted to talk to you again. I wanted to be with you again." I could feel a slight blush on my cheeks but I forced it away. Cole was silent and I suddenly got worried. Not being able to see his face, I couldn’t judge his reaction. "Cole?" I asked hesitantly but before I could say any more, Cole's lips were on mine and I was completely absorbed by the kiss. When Cole pulled away another smile curved my lips. "What are we doing tonight?" I asked him.
"What do you want to do?" he asked and I smiled. I really didn't mind what we did, as long as I was with him. And that's what I told him, not the last part, of course, the first part. "Same as last night? I'll pick you up and we spend the evening at my place?"
"Sounds great," I smiled. We were silent for a while and then I felt a warm hand circle mine.
"What are you doing the rest of the day?" Cole asked and I smiled.
"Nothing," I smiled.
"I just...can't seem to convince myself to leave and see you later," he said and my heart soared in my chest. "I want to be with you." I grinned but could feel a blush on my cheeks.
"Good, because I don’t want you to leave," I smiled.
"Do you want to go for a walk? We can get Pacca," Cole said and I grinned and nodded.
"I'd love to," I smiled and Cole took my hand as we stood up.
"Bye, Lauren," Les shouted.
"Bye," I said back and then walked with Cole out of the cafe.

He held my hand the whole way, and I knew in my heart, that even if I could see, he would still be holding my hand. We talked the whole way back to his place and I heard scratching on the door even before Cole had put the key in. I smiled in anticipation of playing with the puppy again. Cole slipped in the door and pulled me with him and then shut the door behind me. The puppy was jumping at me and I could feel his little paws on my knees. I laughed and knelt down and the puppy jumped up and licked my face. I stroked him and then he quickly jumped off me and ran away. I stood and searched for Cole's light and found him at the end of the room. I used my stick to help me navigate the hall and then Cole took my hand again. He led me out another door and I knew we were in his back garden. "What do you think about staying here instead?" Cole asked and I smiled. I really didn't care what we did. As long as I was with him.
"That's fine," I smiled and Cole led me to the grass. We sat down and Cole pulled me to his side. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"What did you study in university?" I asked him as we sat. He played with my fingers and traced the lines on my palm.
"History," he said and I smiled.
"That was my favourite subject in school," I smiled. My smile faded as I thought about school. I hadn’t gone to a school since I was 10. I had been home schooled by Kim.
"Another penny for those thoughts?" Cole said and I smiled.
"I haven’t been to school since I was 10," I said.
"When your parents died?" he asked and I nodded, realising we were nearing a conversation I didn't want to have.
"Kim home schooled me until I was 18," I said. "But I knew I couldn’t go to university. I wanted to but..." I trailed off shrugging. "I've accepted who I am and there's no point wishing."
"You wish?" he asked and I smiled weakly.
"Increasingly recently," I admitted, a slight blush on my cheeks. "I wish I could see you, just for a second. To know what you look like, how you smile, the exact colour of your eyes..." I shrugged again and pressed myself tighter against his side. His arms tightened around me and I knew he didn't know what to say. I changed the subject. "What do you want to do, then?" I asked him.
"Teach," he said and I grinned. "I applied at the school round the corner, Peacehaven Primary School." I nodded and smiled.
"I went there," I smiled. "I loved it."

The rest of the afternoon we talked and lounged in the garden, playing with Pacca when he needed attention, but otherwise focusing on each other. I could feel time passing, and I knew it was only a matter of time before Cole asked me about how I recognised him. And I would answer truthfully. I didn't want to lie to him.
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Thanks to all those who commented!! luv you!! <3
i'd love to hear what u think! pls subscribe!!

anyway, iv got exams this week (AHHH!!!!) so i dont know when i will be able to update again...