Light In The Darkness


I lay in bed with Cole all day on Friday, the incident from the night before and the emotions still raw in my mind. I wouldn’t let go of Cole, the fear was still clear in my head. If I hadn’t been convinced, I was now, that I was doing the right thing. I had to get this fixed. Never before had my blindness caused me to be so scared. I had never experienced the complete feeling of isolation and hopelessness that I had last night until Cole found me. Tears ran down my cheeks and I buried my face in Cole's chest. He knew I was crying because he held me tighter, but there was nothing more he could do to help me. He just continued to do what he was doing; hug me, kiss me, comfort me.

Slowly, my tears subsided and the feelings became vague in my head. Finally I allowed my fatigue to take over and I fell asleep in Cole's arms.

I woke up a short time later after having a dream about the previous night. "It's alright, baby. It's ok, you're safe," Cole whispered as my eyes sprang open and I gasped.
"I heard people screaming," I whispered. I shook my head and realised that I had been one of those people and Cole had heard me.
"I know, baby," he whispered and drew comforting circles on my back. "I know, but it's okay now. You're here with me and safe." He repeated the words all day and it was what I most needed to hear. Knowing I was there with Cole was the best way to tell me I was safe. I had never felt safer.

The next 2 days we spent at home and Cole and I went to my place to pick up some clothes and toiletries for me to take into hospital. "What do you think it will be like?" I whispered after I had zipped up a bag and sat on my bed.
"What?" Cole asked, sitting next to me.
"Being able to see again," I said softly and leant my head on his shoulder. He put his arm around me and held me tightly to him.
"I don’t know," he replied. "I doubt many people have ever experienced it."
"Do you think it might be like having a drink after years of draught?" I asked him.
"Maybe," he said. "I think it might be like coming out of a pitch black cave into the sun. You will be dazzled to start with but then get used to it."
"Dazzled..." I murmured. I nodded. "I think I will be dazzled," I agreed.
"It probably depends what you look at first, though," Cole said and I smiled.
"I want to see you first," I said softly and closed my eyes as I imagined actually seeing again. "And then a sunset. A beautiful one with pink and red and orange..."
"I'll keep my fingers crossed for your sunset, then," Cole laughed. "But as for the first thing. I will make sure I'm right next to you when you wake up."
"I love you," I smiled and Cole kissed my temple. "I should go tell Les and Kim!" I couldn’t believe I had forgotten, but amongst everything else, the thought had just slipped out of my mind.
"We could swing by the cafe on the way back to mine," he said and I smiled and nodded.
"Yes please," I smiled.

As Cole held the door open for me in the cafe I felt nerves flit into my stomach. I didn't know why I was nervous to tell Les, but I was. "Lauren!" he said happily and I smiled. I realised that I hadn’t seen him very much recently because I had spent a lot of my time with Cole.
"Hey, Les," I smiled. "How've you been?" He hugged me tightly and shrugged as he pulled away.
"Alright," he smiled. "And you?"
"Wonderful," I smiled. "I'm engaged."
"Oh, my God!" Les cried but I knew it was a happy cry. "Congratulations!" I grinned and felt Cole's arm go around my waist. I realised there was something else I wanted to ask Les, but I hadn’t realised it until I spoke to him.
"You'll give me away, won't you?" I asked him and I could almost feel the happiness and pride roll off him.
"Of course," he said and I could hear how hard he was trying not to cry. "I'd be honoured." I smiled and hugged him once more before taking a deep breath and saying what I had come to say.
"Les," I said hesitantly. "I'm going into hospital tomorrow."
"What!?" he asked, alarmed. "Why? What's wrong?"
"Nothing," I quickly reassured him. "I'm having a surgery. They said they could fix my eyes." There was a silence when I knew Les didn't know what to say.
"Wow..." he said softly and I nodded and looked down towards the floor. Les took me suddenly into another tight hug and I wrapped my arms around him tightly.

Les had been a father to me for years, and though his hugs never came close to my actual dad's they were comforting and just what I needed. "You're sure this is what you want to do?" he asked me softly. I nodded.
"I'm sure," I smiled. "I want to marry Cole and I want to see him before I marry him. I want to see for the wedding. I want to see."
"Well then I'm happy for you, honey," he said and I smiled. "We'll come in and visit you. How long are you going to be in there for?"
"I think she said 4 days about," I said frowning slightly. "Is that right?" I asked Cole.
"5 days, maybe a week," Cole corrected me and I nodded. Cole squeezed my hand, aware of how my nerves were returning again.
"We'll be there," Les smiled and I grinned.
"Good," I smiled and hugged him once more before leaving.

Outside the cafe Cole pulled me to a stop. I turned to ask him what was wrong but he cut me off by kissing me deeply. He pulled back, leaving me breathless. "What was that for?" I whispered as I caught my breath and regained my balance.
"For you being you," he said and my heart melted. "I think Les giving you away is a great idea." I smiled and leant forward and hugged him tightly.
"You really think so?" I whispered. "You don’t mind that I didn't check with you first?"
"Of course not," he replied as though the idea offended him. "I think it's brilliant." I smiled and sighed.
"I love you," I whispered.
"I love you, too," he said. "Shall we go back to mine and spend your last night as a blind girl together?"
"I wouldn’t want to spend it any other way," I smiled and we walked hand in hand down the street to his car, and then he drove us back to his house.
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wooo!! i updated on Christmas day!! hope u enjoy and had a good Christmas and got all you wanted!!