What The Devil Doesn't Know

Operation: Nazi Extermination-Part 1

I need more red eye shadow.
I try to make a mental note, but so many other things are going through my head right now, eye shadow is the last thing I'll be thinking about tonight.
I refused to shave my head for The U.N.K., so here I am, using glue to make a mohawk out of my long hippie hair. This shit had better stay put. Mosh pits are not watch-out-for-my-hair friendly. Whatever. I grab my bag and walk out the door. Mickey is waiting out front to give me a ride, and I jump in his car.

"You look...pretty fucking ferocious." he says. I kiss him.

"Thank you?"

"Alright. Hey, call Mike. See if you can get the money tonight. We need to celebrate your new job." He smiles his charming little smile at me, and I have no choice but to pull out my phone and call Mike. I'm not afraid of U.N.K. guys anymore. They refuse to hurt a woman. But Mickey is still terrified.

"Mikeee!" I say when he answers. "I was wondering, how hard would it be to pay me tonight?....really?.....how will that work then?....OK. thanks. Love you. Bye." I hang up.

"What did he say?" Mickey asks anxiously.

"When they jump the Nazis, Big X will hand me the money before he joins the fight."

"Big X?"

"Yep. Apparently he''l be the one with a big X on his shirt."


"Well we're here. I love you."

"Don't get hurt. I love you too."

I get out of the car and hear Mickey yell "Good Luck!" out his car window.

When I walk into the club, it wreaks of old vomit, booze, sweat, and the best music in town. I grab a drink and patrol the outskirts of the pit, looking for my victims.
Aha! I see Joe and Xavier. Two big names on the scene. You don't fuck with these guys. But U.N.K had more men, and these two were like the head vampires of their Nazi colony. Perfect targets, and possibly more money for me. Mike had said the sooner I brought these two to him, the bigger the bonus I'd get.
I just got here though, and it's much too early to be getting someone to leave. The opening band is only halfway through their set. I decide to get another drink and head to the bathroom to work on a strategy for getting these two to leave with me. I'm standing in front of the sink, adjusting my make-up, (What do you know? It wasn't the last thing on my mind!) when I hear horrible retching coming from a stall.


I open the door and see a girl squirming on the floor in a pool of what I hope for her sake is her own vomit. My first instinct is to close the door and pretend I never saw any of this.And I almost do it. But I'm so drawn to this girl. She's like a bad car crash, I can't stop looking at her. Fuck. She saw me.


Jesus. This girl is having a text book withdrawal. Then I remember the little bit of coke I have. Not enough to get a proper high, but it might get this girl back to normal. I run over to my bag and pull it out. It really isn't much. But I still take it to her. By now she's found a dirty, used syringe on the floor. I hand her the coke, apparently I don't have the right kind. So she mixes it with toilet water between convulsions until she's able to inject herself. Hey, coke is coke. She leans against the wall and breathes heavily. I watch her chest heave as she closes her eyes and tries to recover. I sit with her like that in silence for about 5 minutes. Finally, she opens her eyes, turns to me, and starts thanking me.

"You must be my fucking angel tonight." she said. "I thought I would die if I didn't get
something in me." she smiled. "How can I thank you?"

"It's OK, really." I say. "You weren't looking too good. And I hardly had any left. That little would have hardly done anything for me."

"Oh God, I feel like such a jackass. How low am I to actually have a withdrawal in the bathroom of a disgusting club?"
We laugh.

"I'm Nikki." she says.

"I'm Kendall."

"Well Kendall, I'm afraid I owe my life to you." she smiles.

"Well," I say "I could use someone to keep me company while I'm here."

"I'm your girl."

"Great." I smile. "But first, we should really wash that shit out of your hair."

We stumble over to the single sink, and I help her wash the puke off her face, clothes, and hair.
"Thanks again."

"No problem."