What The Devil Doesn't Know

Operation: Nazi Extermination-Part 2

Nikki and I walk back out into the club, and it's more packed than before. Shit. How the hell am I going to find Joe and Xavier? Nikki might know.

"Hey, do you know Joe or Xavier?" I ask.

"Yeah. They're both really good friends of mine. Why?"

"Oh, I was just supposed to meet them here."

"What for?"
Shit, shit, shit. Mickey pops into my head.

"That's not important. Can you help me look for them?" She looks at me suspiciously, but does as she's told. You wouldn't argue with someone who just donated their last bit of coke to save your sorry ass.

"I see them!" she yells

"Great!" She tells me they're in the middle of the pit, so in I go. Kicking, punching, and squirming my way to the center. I'm standing next to Xavier. He's fucking tall. Definitely over 6
feet. He's got a great hot pink mohawk too. Except his dark roots are starting to show. I stand next to him while we watch Joe mosh, Xavier being in no condition. His face was bleeding, and he was starting to sway back and forth. I couldn't tell if he was that wasted or if he'd lost too much blood. Joe came hoping over to us.

"Who's this?" he asks, pointing to me.

"What?" Xavier didn't even know I was there. I couldn't blame him for looking confused. He was pretty fucking delirious.

"I'm Jeanette." I say. Of course I'm not going to give out my real name. Joe gives me a weird look. No, wait. It's not him trying to put a name with a face. It's just his once piercing green eyes swelling up from pit violence.

"Jeanette. Have I met you before?"

If he had I was probably shit faced at a club.

"I doubt it. But in the off chance you have, would you mind having a drink with me?" We're practically shouting in each other's ears over the band.

"Not at all."

Joe and I push our way over to the bar. More vodka for me! And I'm that much closer to good coke money. Perfect.

"You have an accent." Joe states.

"Yes. I do."

"Well what brings you to London?" He's still really coherent. Much more than me. But I'm not about to let that get in the way. We make small talk for a little while longer, I don't want to look like a desperate whore. Well, at least not both.

"Hey," I say, reaching my arm around Joe's neck, "what are you doing the rest of tonight?"

"What do you mean?"

"How about you and me go back to my place. Bring your friend too. Maybe things'll get interesting." Joe's swollen eyes widen. I'm passing for about 20, but I still look much too young to be with him. Like that matters.

"Sure!" he says, excited.

"Great." I smile. "Just tell me when you're ready to go."

"I'll go get Xavier. Don't move." Joe runs off, and I stay, sipping my vodka tonic. Not 10 minutes later, does he come back with Xavier, the blood on his face now dried.

"Ready?" I ask. Like I needed to. We head towards the door, and right as we were about to walk out, a tiny blond figure steps in front of us.

"Where the fuck are you guys going?" She asks. I had completely forgotten about Nikki.

"We're leaving." says Joe. Shit shit shit. I told Nikki I was Kendall. I told Joe I was Jeanette. SHIT.

"Well why didn't you come find me?" I couldn't tell who she was talking to, but no one argued with her, so we all left together. I lead them about 10 blocks away, and down an alley behind a hotel.

"Where are we going?" asks Nikki. I was hoping this wouldn't come up.

"You'll see when we get there." I say, praying to God this works. We stand in the back parking lot, and I wait for Mike. But more than Mike, I'm waiting for Big X. I tell them I'm having a friend meet us here.

Then, a big white van pulls around the corner. They stop, and out jump about 10 U.N.K guys. But I don't see Big X. Mike is leading the group, and before I can blink, Joe and Xavier are on the ground. I grab Nikki's arm, and run to the van. I glance back, and see Mike punch Joe on the top of his head with some brass knuckles. I can see the blood start to stream out of his buzzed head. I start to feel bad, and consider stepping in. But a big red X flies towards me, then to the throng of fighting. I look down. There's $1000 cash in my hands. I'm out of here. I run out of the alley, still holding Nikki's arm, possibly leaving Joe and Xavier for dead.