What The Devil Doesn't Know


"WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED?!" screamed Nikki. She's gone completely mad. Her eyes are crazy, and shes pushed me up against a wall. I don't really know how I'm going to explain this one....
Just then I saw Mickey's car across the street. Thank God. I grab Nikki's arm once again, and drag her across the street. I don't care if she's gone crazy, or is just plain being a bitch. I don't want to leave anyone out here unprotected, alone, or anywhere near any sort of danger. Unless I'm getting paid obviously. I throw her in the back seat, and jump into the front with Mickey. "DRIVE!" I yell. He freaks out, but slams his foot down hard anyway.

"Why are you yelling?!" He yells back. I don't have time to explain.

"Find Johnathan. NOW. And get us the fuck out of here!"

We drive for about 10 minutes in anxious silence. Nikki has passed out. I look out my window and watch the neon of clubs, fast food places, and stores speed by.

"Who is she?" Mickey finally asks, jerking his head towards Nikki.

"Oh. She's um, a friend." he doesn't press on. "I met her tonight. I helped her out a little. She helped me. You know."

"OK. Well are you gonna give her anything tonight? Where are we taking her? Just tell me what's going on." I haven't really worked that part out yet.

"I don't know. Just find Johnathan. I'll figure it out when she wakes up."
We drove around for another half hour. We eventually pulled into the parking lot of a diner, and met Johnathan for dinner/breakfast. I couldn't believe it was already 2 in the morning.
I saw him at the back in a booth, and dragged a half-conscious Nikki to the table, Mickey trailing behind.
I wasn't hungry, but Mickey wanted to stay and eat. I went ahead and ordered Nikki something. She might want something nice to wake up to.

"So, where's my shit J?"

"What?" I think Johnathan had forgotten why we were there. I raised my eyebrows and sipped my water. "Oh, right." He pulled out the coke, and slid it across the table in an envelope.

"Thank you." I waited, caring for Nikki, while Mickey and Johnathan talked about the bands that would be playing at the club.

"We need someone Thursday night." said Johnathan.

"I'll play." said Mickey. I knew Mickey played guitar, but I'd never actually heard him play, and I
started to wonder if he was any good. They kept talking about technical stuff I knew nothing about, so I tuned them out, and started a plan for Nikki. I would slip a little coke into her bag while she was still in this hazy state, but I wouldn't tell her I still had some. Then we'd drop her at the nearest bus stop, and leave her to her own devices. Well, Mickey had finished, and we were ready to go. We helped Nikki to the car, and he didn't ask any questions until we were all secure inside his car.

"Where am I going?"

"The closest bus stop." We pulled over next to a bench, with a big yellow sign. I poured some water on Nikki, and she came to.

"What?! Where the hell am I? Where have I been? Whats going on?!"

"Get out." I tell her. I feel awful just dumping her off, but I can't afford to give her more than I already have. But I slipped my number in her bag along with enough coke for tonight. She looks at me, speechless, but I don't know what else to do. She gets out, and I roll down my window. "I'll see you later." She's still standing there when Mickey drives off.

"Will she be OK?" He asks.

"Yeah." I say. "She'll be fine."