The Boarding House

Rude Awakening

I woke to something moving against my neck, so slowly and seductively I uttered a small moan and felt the answering smirk. Hands whispered down my arms and brought my hands up to meet thick hair that my fingers instantly tangled themselves in. The hands dropped, one curled around my hip and rested on my stomach while the other ran up and down my spine sending shivers running through my body. The hand on my stomach was tracing circles around my belly button, playing with the metal that dangled from the exquisite jewellery there. I was turning into putty in this person’s hands and they knew it. The hand on my stomach moved to my hip and turned me over so I was lying on my back, again I didn’t protest, didn’t have time to protest as a pair of lips captured mine and moved against them tenderly playing havoc with my emotions. I felt the bed dip to the right of me but I was too preoccupied to notice.

A hand splayed out on my stomach, I gasped at the iciness of the touch and whoever was kissing me used that opportunity to deepen the kiss. I felt another icy hand turn me ninety degrees again as a pair of red hot hands cupped my cheeks. I felt something brush my lips delicately and instinctively parted them, feeling the tongue dance around my mouth I responded and knew that was what they wanted by the sudden change in tempo of the seduction.

My mind was taken off the kiss as an icy hand trailed down my thigh underneath the cover. My mind ricocheted into an overload of confusion and ecstasy as the hand moved back up my thigh in circles, driving me insane when the hand slipped around to stroke the inside of my thigh. A deep pool of fire bubbled in the pit of my stomach and I pushed back against the body behind me. I heard a soft chuckle and then the soft whisper of material on silk as they both moved. I felt the icy hands on my hips and the fiery hands on my shoulders as I was manoeuvred down the bed, a short interlude of the seduction that was quickly ended by lips being slammed on mine from above my head. My arms wrapped around the neck of the boy, pulling him closer helplessly. The hands on my hips were now moving, fingers tapping on my hips and thighs. I pushed against those hands, inside a small part of me was shocked at my reactions. Fingers dipped into the waistband of my riding trousers and pulled them away from my skin about an inch or so before letting them snap back. Normally the pain would have annoyed me, but this time it only heightened the sexual tension in the room. Wait a minute…sexual tension? I detangled my fingers from the hair as the icy hands pulled the trousers down over my hips and fingers slipped underneath the flimsy material of the thermal trousers I wore. My hands flew down to meet the wrists of the second boy and yanked his hands away from my hips. I heard two throaty chuckles as fire hands grabbed my face and held it as he slammed his lips against mine, thrusting his tongue into my mouth I bit down hard and released a little of my power to send the two crashing up to the ceiling.

The door burst open and I saw Torkenwynn, Rorinn and two other guys glaring around the room. Torkenwynn came straight over to me and then noticed the faint power lines trailing up to the ceiling. His eyes followed the smoky lines that only a high status being would be able to see and he nodded. I didn’t understand what he meant but the two strangers obviously did. They leapt to the ceiling and brutally dragged the two boys down. Looking at the two of them I suppressed a shudder. They were fairly hot I suppose…but they were too alike, one with mousy brown hair that could be classed as grey-brown and the other with a soft brown colour but not anything special. They both had the same eyes, although one was more mischievous, he must be the older one, I assumed and my assumptions were normally correct. I watched as they were shoved out of the room, neither made any noise and the older one glanced back over his shoulder to smirk at me. I glared at him and he pitched forward. I saw Torkenwynn raise his eyebrows and send a disdainful look to the boy.