The Boarding House

The comfort only one can give.

“I’m sorry for them; I cancelled all reservations on this room as soon as I heard about Javrhon. I can’t believe they would violate someone like you.” He knelt next to the bed, his head bowed. I checked my clothes and was relieved when I saw they were all still there, just messed up. With a sigh I pushed back the covers that I couldn’t remember being pulled over me from last night and sat on the edge of the bed, resting my fingertips lightly on Torkenwynn’s shoulder. He glanced up at me and stood, I could see he was trying to smile but his eyes were dark with anger. I glanced at Rorinn who was lingering near the door; I could tell the boy was trying to decide what to do when his eyes found the tray still full of food. He picked it up gently and his eyes met mine, when he saw the answer in my eyes his shoulders slumped and Rorinn turned and walked mutely out of the room. My gaze dropped and I watched as my fingers moved gently over the duvet. The intricate pattern was reassuring and it was only when I realised that it was no pattern but runes to ensure a deep sleep. I looked back up at Torkenwynn and he nodded.

“This was given to help your brother.” He elaborated, I felt my head nod as my heart pulsed with a sudden strange feeling, tears crept up to my eyes, people were so considerate and you never knew it until you lost something and then their compassion overflowed until you wanted to run away from it all.

“Thank you, Torkenwynn, thank you so much. For looking out for my brother, for helping him, thank you.” I whisper, barely able to get my words out through the lump that was clogging my throat. My voice was alien to me and when I put my hand to my throat it seemed normal. Torkenwynn sat next to me and gently placed his hand over mine, lifting it gently to his lips before putting a warm hand on my shoulder. I looked down onto my lap and he sat there for a small amount of time. I’m glad he did, we sat in a comfortable silence, his mere presence comforting.

“You should rest Lady; no one shall disturb you again.” Torkenwynn said softly. I nodded and sighed, gently falling back into the warm covers. Torkenwynn stood and looked down at me, I couldn’t meet his eyes the silent tears were blurring my vision. He said something but I couldn’t hear him properly. I felt his power dim and knew he’d left the room, a series of clicks came from the door, I was being locked in, that should have scared me but I knew that it was only precautionary. Also I was sure that I could open the door whenever I wanted to. I wasn’t a prisoner here; I was a guest, one that was trapped in a world of grief.

My legs curled up to my chest and pushed my head off the pillows and brought the thick duvet up to my face, bunching it around my nose and inhaling Javrhon’s scent that still lingered. I uttered a simple spell to keep the odour of my dead brother in the quilt for all time and then fell into a deep sleep.
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Okay this was long in coming just had a lot of stuff going on in school sorry for teh lateness of it.

Hope you like and more comment splease, i really like knowing what you think!

this one dedicated to JENNandBLITZ who kept nagging me to update ^__^