‹ Prequel: Elementalist

The Legendary Elemenatlist; Book Two of the Elementalist Series

Chapter 2-Connor

I dropped down from my headstone and sat next to Hex, grabbing the extra bowl he put down and I started to eat it. I glanced at him, who continued to stare at me like I was a mad man, “Do you mind?”

“With what?” he asked, slightly sighing.

“With that look,” I shot back, pushing my dirty black, red and orange hair out of my eyes.

“Oh,” he mumbled and looked at me, “hey, did you save me a few months ago?”

I smiled, “Nah,” I winked at him, “I’ve been busy. But why the HELL where you going to let yourself die right there?”

“So you DID save me!” Hex got up and I smiled hat him. He clenched his tattooed hand.

“No, Hex,” I lied, “I wasn’t there, but I was there when you fell.”

He looked at me, probably trying to find an answer, and sighed, “You damned liar.”

“Oh, well,” I laughed, putting the bowl on the ground and leaned against my headstone, admiring my father’s grave, “so, what’s been happening?”

“Other than you coming back from the dead, nothing,” Hex said, “Oh! And the fact that you’re my cousin.”

I looked at him, confused look on my face. He grinned, “Yeah, my dad is your dad’s baby brother.”

I thought about it, “Uncle Eddy is your dad?”
