‹ Prequel: Elementalist

The Legendary Elemenatlist; Book Two of the Elementalist Series

Chapter 39-Nick

All I saw was Mel and Barbod on the ground, Connor pulling a rope, and a shady figure with the other side of the rope. Without hesitation, Terry sighed and slipped in, quietly. The figure glanced at Terry, and Barb, and then to me, and they went pale, Terry and Barbod that is. In the guys first hand held three ropes, all slipping out of his hand from one side and the other holding Barb, Terry and my brother captive. “Boy,” it said, it had a deep voice, “Come here.”

“Why should I?” I asked and Connor’s hair jutted up, his hair flying all over the place when he got pissed and then stopping. His eyes were red and orange.

“To hell with you,” Connor said, grabbing the rope and his hands turned red, “Fire Blast!”

The rope started to turn red, slightly, but stopped at the end of Connor’s hands. The figured laughed, “Connor. Let me introduce myself. They call me Vlad, the rope holder. No one but me truly knows my Elemental power. But, I guess I’ll have to teach you it. How do I know your name? Easy. Six years ago you were in the room, the one you just came out of, correct?”

I stared at Connor, “Yes, but what’s your point?!”

“Don’t you remember the figure that came in, asked you for your name, bribed your freedom and left without giving your bribe?”

“If that dirty bastard was you, I’m going to punch the living life out of you!”

“That was me. Now, Child,” he looked at me, “Come here!”

“Make him!” Connor yelled, glancing at me, “Nick, run! Get out of here! Leave!”

I looked at Terry and Barbod, and then to Connor and Vlad. I was hesitant, deciding on what I should do, sighed, and took a step into the room, “Nick, don’t!”

“Shut up, Connor,” I said. I looked Vlad in the eyes, “What? I’m here.”

“See the closet right there?” he asked, tilting his head towards the closest. I shook my head, “Go over there and open the door.”

I nodded, wandered, carefully, over to the closet, hesitated, and opened it. My body fell numb, heavier than what I was used to, and I couldn’t move, “Nick!” I would’ve looked at Barbod but couldn’t. I was scared. Breathing became hard, seeing as the weight was beading me so fast. I was in a dreadful state of affairs.