‹ Prequel: Elementalist

The Legendary Elemenatlist; Book Two of the Elementalist Series

Chapter 5-Hex

I stopped in the yard, Connor stopped along with me. The grass was green, gently swaying with the wind, its blades gently bent to once side.

“Hex!” Charlie stood at the door, his blood red hair moving along with the wind, “where have you been...”

He grew silent at the sight of Connor, and Connor just waved, “Hey, Charlie!”

“Connor…? Is that really you?” Charlie asked, shocked. He ran up to Connor and punched his arm, as he did years ago.

“Yes, Charlie, it’s really me,” Connor laughed as we wandered into the house and all the noise stopped. Charlie disappeared to get the others and Connor grinned.

“Connor,” I looked at him, “I need to tell you something.”

He looked at me, “What is it?”

“I ran into Sarah, she’s coming over today, but,” I sighed, “she’s my wife. We married quite a few months ago. I’m sorry, Connor.”

“Such a pretty girl,” Connor sighed, “I’m really glad she married you though, Hex, I would never be able to marry someone then go put my life into danger.”

“You couldn’t put MY life in danger, either, Connor,” I sighed, “and that’s why you disappeared from Sarah!”

“Yep,” he answered as Rachel fell down the stairs. She hugged Connor, greatly and smiled at him. “Hey, look! It’s Rachel! The bum!”

“Shut up, Connor,” Rachel yelled, “but wow, you’re alive and not dead!” she was shocked, too, as Connor’s two older brothers walked out from the living room.

“What the hell is with all this noise?” David asked. Jimmy poked him and pointed at Connor.

“No need to say anything, Dave, I can read your head. How? I don’t know, but I can,” Connor laughed.

He waved, slightly, at them and disappeared into the kitchen.