And in This Small World

So You're...

"In the hills giant oaks
Fall upon their knees
You can touch parts
You have no right to-"
Kay Ryan, Crown

Seph reached into his pocket and pulled out a package of tiny elastics. He worked quietly and methodically to tie off each braid; putting several elastics between his lips and then taking one at a time when he needed them. Gemlin leaned back to look at his face, “Is it common for you to keep elastics in your pocket?” Seph pushed his head forward again.

“Don’t move.” He muttered, an elastic falling from his lips. Reaching down to get it his hand brushed Gemlin’s thigh. Gemlin flinched slightly and Seph had to pull his head back.
After a moment Gemlin asked “What else you got in there?”

Seph chuckled making sure he didn’t drop an elastic this time. “Are you asking what I’ve got in my pants kid?” It was obvious Gemlin didn’t get the joke, because he just nodded. Slightly disappointed that his joke hadn’t gotten the appreciation it deserved, Seph reached into his pocket and pulled out a bar of soap, two gumballs still wrapped in plastic wrapping, and a pocket watch that didn’t work.

Gemlin stared at the little hoard. “Wow, you can fit all that in your pants? You aren’t compensating for something are you Seph?” Perhaps the boy wasn’t as naive as he pretended to be.

Seph raised his eyebrows “Are you questioning my manliness?” Gemlin grinned and popped one of the gumballs out of its wrapper and into his mouth. Seph shook his head. He put the elastics and the rest of his belongings back into his pocket. Putting his hand on top of the boys green head he placed his weight on the kid to help himself stand up. Leaning on the wall for a moment he looked down at Gemlin thoughtfully. “Well, I would show you that I lack nothing in that area but I doubt you’d be able to fully appreciate my intense beauty, so as it is I think I’ll just leave now.” With that, Seph jogged up the groaning stairs opposite the door and disappeared through an entrance at the top.

Gemlin’s smile instantly vanished. He looked hesitantly towards the exit. He could still hear people partying at The Meeting on the other side of the closed door. Making an instant decision he jumped up and raced after Seph. “Wait!” he called.

At the top of the stairs through the entrance to the underside of the bridge Gemlin saw Seph looking out through the supports. Vehicles were speeding over the concrete above his head honking their horns and shaking the bridge every once in a while making it feel like there was a small earthquake. His shoes made clanking noises as he moved. Gemlin caught up to Seph looking around as he came to a stop. The bridge columns formed semicircles at eye level and continued straight down as the legs of the bridge. Everything was made of metal and stone. Looking out through the supports he could see the Meeting was in full swing. The underlings were reaching a drunken climax and all the ‘decent’ families had already left. Through the steel slats that made up the floor he could see the dirty river stumbling beneath him. Its banks choked with garbage. “Seph,” he asked. “Are you… gay?”

Seph looked at him his green eyes sharp. “What do you think?” Gemlin looked away terribly uncomfortable. He had an idea, and was almost certain he knew the answer, but he always found it was better to be safe then to have to shove your foot in your mouth. Seph stared at him a moment but then leaned over the safety railing watching the filthy water below. “I don’t know.” he answered. Gemlin nearly choked. He hadn’t been expecting that. “I mean I like girls just fine, but then there’s you, and you kinda ruin my whole straight idea. It isn’t like I stare at other guys or find any attraction to them.” Seph grimaced slightly as he said it. “But I like you in a different way then I’ve liked any girl before, and yet its still sorta the same.” Gemlin’s face was pale.

Oh God, he thought. An Esper has a thing for me and he doesn’t even like guys! “That’s… that’s… That’s sick!” Gemlin realized he had been yelling and immediately dropped his voice. “I mean, why can’t you just be normal and leave me alone?” Gemlin didn’t notice the green tendrils that snaked from Seph’s feet to his own. Slowly they crept up his legs and twisted around his waist. “I, I don’t like guys not even one and I never will in my lifetime, ever.” Suddenly he felt two hands around his neck. Looking down he finally saw the green arm wrapped around his body that was choking him. Stunned he looked up at Seph and noticed his fingers clenched into a fist.

Seph stepped forward. His eyes had narrowed and his lips were pressed into a firm and angry line. “Sick?” he asked. Gemlin realized he had been asking for death the moment he had put that stupid dress on in the first place. “Listen kid, I didn’t ask for this. I didn’t wake up one morning and decide I would be bodily attracted to an underling. As unfortunate this is for both of us, its still here and I still want to fuck you, though at this moment I want to kill you too. He stepped forward again his face only inches away. His breathing was heavy and his head tilted closer ever so slightly. He seemed to be swaying; his lips exceptionally close to Gemlin’s own. He closed his eyes and pulled away. The green arm drew back into his body slightly and another one came out making Seph have four arms; two normal, and two green ones, the veins inside them pulsing.

He grabbed onto the safety rail with his green hands and flipped himself over the edge. His feet landed on a thin ledge on the other side. Seph’s body was crouched down, suspending all his weight over the river. Briefly Gemlin had the urge to join him but he knew that if he tried it he’d fall. Seph’s second set of arms looped around the second rail giving him a better hold on the bridge. The wind blew across his face and he took deep breathes to dispel the anger he had been feeling. Slowly he looked over at Gemlin, his eyes taking in the boy’s features. His big black colorless eyes were wide with apprehension and a little bit of amazement. The setting sun shone a golden shimmer across his nose and mouth making his skin look even more transparent. The boy was a bit impish but awfully beautiful as far as underlings went.

“Who’s your father kid?” Gemlin started slightly at the question.

“I don’t know” he mumbled. “My mom re-married when I was little, so I don’t remember him really well. After that my real mom died and my step dad married again so I have both a step mom and step dad. How cool is that? But I remember that he was tall, I think.”

Seph thought about that a moment “most little kids think their parents are tall.”

Gemlin shrugged. “Probably. I mean it makes sense.” Seph let out another breathe. Letting go of the rail he climbed back over it. Once his feet were securely on the ground he reduced his arms back to two and started walking.

Looking at his watch he called over his shoulder. “You comin’ with kiddo or are you going to start out on your own?” Gemlin thought about it a moment. He still didn’t want to be around this crazy Esper (or any Esper at all) but he also didn’t want to live the rest of his life alone because his own kind avoided him like the plague. After a moment he smiled softly. “Yeah,” he breathed “I’m coming.”
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Alright, everyone who reads this or anyone who reads this, I'm running out of quotes and so it would be much appreciated if you could send me a couple good ones.