And in This Small World

Lemons Anyone?

"Do not trust the horse, Trojans!
Whatever it is, I fear the Greeks,
Even though they bring gifts."

Virgil - The Aeneid

Gemlin jumped up and tried to rescue his hat from Seph’s head but he was too short. Seph bent over slightly allowing Gemlin to get it back.

“Lemons or dragons” Seph asked as they walked the length of the bridge.

Gemlin frowned. “What?”

“Just answer the question kid.”

They continued walking while the boy tried to guess all the possible connections to a lemon or a dragon. When they walked out of the bridge support system they followed a side street up to a small downtown shopping area. Tiny stores crowded the blocks, while cars filled the road blaring their horns and trying to find a place to park. People wove in and out, across streets, over sidewalks, and around little shop signs.

Seph looked down at Gemlin. “Your answer?

Gemlin looked around and made a snap decision “Lemons, why?”

Seph nodded but didn’t respond. Looking left then right he stepped into the multitude of sweating bodies. Gemlin grabbed onto the end of his coat and followed him down the street. Seph looked back at Gemlin. The boy’s eyes were open wide and moving constantly. Whenever a person bumped into him he would grab Seph’s coat tighter. The brown hat kept getting knocked off his head or tilted at funny angles, and the boy struggled to keep it in his grip.

“Seph,” Gemlin shouted over the noise of the crowd “Why are all these people out at night?”

“New years” Seph shouted over his shoulder as if some how that explained everything. Gemlin stayed quiet for a bit. He was amazed by all the colors. Lights on buildings, words he couldn’t read painted on boards, pictures and slogans spray painted on walls, signs that depicted little people on them, and lights that changed colors and controlled the cars that drove the streets. The people too; they would stop when the hand light showed and go when the little white person came up. With a loud shot more lights fell for the sky! Gemlin ducked and grabbed onto Seph’s leg. Startled, the Esper nearly fell over.

“What in the…oh!”

Gemlin was sitting on the ground with his arms and legs twined around Seph’s left leg. His eyes were closed tight and every time a firework exploded the kid would flinch and grab tighter. People began staring at Seph. He was an obstacle standing in the way, and in their minds there was no reason for him to have stopped. Seph moved out of the way, letting Gemlin ride on his foot as you might let a small child.

“Gemlin, you’ve never seen fireworks before?”

“What’s a firework, and for that matter what is New Years anyway?”

Seph couldn’t stop staring. “You don’t know what New Years celebration is?


“New Years is the start of a new year. In fact the title says it all. Humans stay up until midnight when it becomes the new year and then they shoot fireworks into the sky, eat lots of food, drink alcohol, and have sex.”

Gemlin stared at him and then quickly let go “I ain’t sleeping with you…” Seph continued to stare and then he started laughing. Gemlin felt like an idiot but he wasn’t sure why. “Why are you laughing?” Seph tried to contain his laughter but he let out a few guffaws here and there.

“I wasn’t planning on sleeping with you but since that’s the first thing your mind went to I can’t help but wonder if you were thinking about it before.”

Gemlin snorted “You’re sick ya’know that? And for your information I wasn’t”

“Wasn’t what?”

“Now you just want me to say it don’t you?”

Seph grinned like a Cheshire cat “Say what Gemlin?”

Gemlin shook his head “uh-uh, no way. You can just shut up and tell me why I had to choose between a dragon and a lemon.”

Seph was still smiling and it was making Gemlin angry. “Well I can’t do both.”

Gemlin’s eyes narrowed and he put his hands on his hips “Don’t treat me like a four year old. Answer man!” His show of anger didn’t get quite the reaction he was aiming for because Seph just started laughing again.

To any passers-by Seph looked thoroughly wasted, after all he was randomly convulsing with bursts of laughter and having a lengthy conversation with what appeared to be no one.
Suddenly Seph took Gemlin’s hand and began leading him through the crowd. “Right, lemon.”

Gemlin tried to pull his hand back but Seph held on tight. “You want your lemon or would you rather I left you right here on this street.”

“I’m not sure what you’re talking about but I’m starting to regret following you.”

“Oh come now Gemlin, have a little faith.”

As he said it Seph stopped in front of a small family owned restaurant called the ‘Royal Lemon’ Seph shrugged “And what ever faith you have accumulated in those five seconds was just now rewarded. I must say good choice Gemlin; I don’t really feel like Chinese food anyway. I did want it a few minutes ago but now that I’m standing here and thinking about lemon meringue pie Chinese food sounds rather unappetizing.”

“Pie?” Gemlin asked.

“Oh God, don’t tell me you don’t know what pie is!”

“Don’t be stupid Seph; of course I know what pie is. I was just questioning your motive behind having pie.”

“Now you’re being stupid. What motive could there be behind having a slice of pie?”

Seph held open the door of the restaurant for Gemlin making a slight bow and a hand flourish. Gemlin stared at him his eyes smoldering. Slowly he walked up the steps and into the restaurant. “See, that is why I’m so worried.”

“You know kid you’re really untrusting. Its just pie.”

Seph picked a small booth near the back where not many people could see them. When Gemlin raised his eyebrows at this Seph had to calmly explain that he’d rather not look like a schizophrenic in front of the entire world. A young waiter with curly brown hair and heavy eyeliner came to their table. Popping her bubble gum she tried to offer Seph a menu but he waved her away. Gemlin couldn’t help wonder what would happen if this girl learned that the man she was serving could kill her and get away all under one minute without leaving any forensic evidence.

“Just a piece of lemon meringue pie please.” Seph said with a small smile. The waitress blew another bubble.

“You are aware that our lemon pie contains high levels of alcohol and that you must be eighteen or older to have some?”

Gemlin’s eyes nearly popped out of his head. “Bastard!” He snorted “Alcoholic pie? Sure you have no motive! You were going to get me drunk weren’t you? And on pie no less!”

Seph ignored Gemlin and talked to the waiter. “Yes, I am aware of that and I am also above the drinking limit and have been so for some time, so if you wouldn’t mind giving me my pie.” The waitress blushed and apologized before she made her hasty exit.

“I hope you know I’m not gonna eat any of that now.”

Seph looked at Gemlin pensively. “yeah yeah, well at least I tried right?”

Gemlin shook his head “No, not ‘at least’ I would have been a lot happier if you hadn’t tried at all.”

The waitress returned with Seph’s pie and filled a glass with water before she left him. Seph made a face at the water and pushed it across to Gemlin. Gemlin sniffed it and carefully took a sip but didn’t take any more then that. Seph stabbed at his pie miserably. Finally he put a fork-full in his mouth and almost instantly he smiled. Looking at Gemlin he put more pie on his fork and offered it to him, who of course shook his head. Seph was about to put it in his mouth when a single look from Gemlin stopped him.

“What?” Seph asked. The boy frowned at him a moment. Leaning forward Gemlin took the fork from Seph and put it in his mouth with a defiant ‘just try and stop me’ look in his eyes. The pie was heavenly. Puffy and soft it melted in his mouth with just the right amount of lemon and liqueur.

“There now that wasn’t so bad was it?” Seph asked. A crooked smile slowly spread across his lips.

“What?” Gemlin asked, his eyes narrowing. Seph put more pie into his mouth.

“You are so lucky you didn’t pick the dragon….”
♠ ♠ ♠
When I thought up the chapter it was different then what I actually wrote but whatever.