And in This Small World

Peanut Butter Passions

Nobody controls me.
I'm uncontrollable.
The only one who can control me is me,
and that's just barely possible.

John Lennon

Gemlin had slept for a whole ten minutes before he had smelled it; a delicious aroma that plagued his mind with savory dishes and made his mouth water. Slowly he picked himself up out of the bed and stumbled to the kitchen. He came just in time to see Seph drop his head to the table. The Esper’s body was rigid like he was waiting for someone to hit him. With a small moan he began to stand up. Gemlin’s mouth went dry. He felt a tingling sensation and shivered up the length of his spine. Seph turned and stared at him.

“Is that food?” He asked while rubbing his eyes. Seph looked like he was about to have a mental break down.

“Well it was, but….” Seph rubbed his hand over his face. “Uh, if you want I could make something for you.”

Gemlin shook his head “Got any peanut-butter?”

Seph just shrugged and pointed to the little cupboard above the stove. The underling could feel his eyes following him as he moved across the kitchen. He made his sandwich and began chewing it almost immediately.

He felt more then heard the Seph walk up behind him. The breathe on his neck confirmed his notion. He looked over his shoulder and saw the way Seph was looking at him. The peanut-butter stuck in his mouth.

“Y-you okay S-Seph?” The Esper was looking at him like he was a snack himself. He lifted the sandwich over his shoulder toward him “You want p-peanut butter?” That’s when he felt the soft power surge. A green hand took the sandwich and placed it on the table. Another hand touched the braids on the back of his head.

“No sandwich?”

Seph grabbed the boys head and pushed it down onto the counter. He chuckled into the underling’s neck and whispered softly “No I think I’m good.” He pulled back the boy’s head so that it fit against the side of his neck. Gemlin let out a shaky breathe. “Seph….”

“You never were drunk were you?” Gemlin laughed nervously. His Palms were beginning to sweat.

“I was but a buzz only lasts so long on an underling.”

“Good.” Seph grinned. He put two hands on the counter either side of Gemlin’s head and yet another slid its way down to the small of his back. With a small hiss he thrust up with his hips and pressed the underling against the counter. Gemlin was crying. He couldn’t help being nervous, he wasn’t playing with a human. This was a full grown Esper and yet he had talked to it, even followed it around and this was where he had ended up. He didn’t struggle. Espers were more like animals then anything else, they preyed on the weak. Gemlin was weak and he knew it. Seph felt his fingernails grow; he’d need to be careful if he wanted the boy to live. Gemlin noticed it too when the hand in front of his face turned into a claw. “Shit” he mumbled, his eyes wide with fear. Gemlin let all semblance of control vanish as his anxiety became too much for him. He closed his eyes tight.

Seph rested his head on Gemlin’s. He could feel the way the underling’s body shivered underneath him. He took in deep breathes closing his eyes as well. His hand on the boys head released its grip leaving small cuts in the boy’s forehead. Gemlin’s body froze underneath him. Carefully he turned the boy around so that they were facing each other, but before Gemlin could react he’d put all four of his arms around the boy and was kissing him on the lips. Gemlin gasped as Seph ran his tongue over the kid’s bottom lip. His chest heaved as Gemlin reached up and ran his fingers through Seph’s hair.

“Bloody underling” Seph hissed. Suddenly he disengaged himself from Gemlin. He put a set of hands into his front pockets and the other set hung limply at his sides.

“Listen Gem-Gem I can’t control myself well enough for this yet.”

Gemlin let out a sigh of either relief or disappointment, it was too quiet for Seph to be sure.

“T-that’s okay. I’m not sure I want to die just yet either.”

Seph nodded and indicated the bedroom door.

“We’ll pretend it never happened.”

Gemlin lead the way back to the bed. In the dark he stripped off his shirt and jeans and then crawled back into the covers. Seph just watched him before he climbed in still wearing his clothes. It wasn’t long before Gemlin’s breathing evened out. Looking over at Gemlin to make sure he was asleep Seph sat up and took off his own shirt, but not his pants; he knew that it was too much temptation. He felt disgusted with himself. What ever happened to his motto of ‘take what you want no ifs, ands, or buts.’? Cause God, did he ever want the underling and he had the opportunity but he had stopped himself. How he still wasn’t sure.

Gemlin whimpered softly beside him. Seph turned onto his side and slid his arm around the underling as he pulled him against his stomach. Gemlin adjusted himself to the new position but he didn’t wake up. Seph liked the feeling of the underling so vulnerable beside him. He felt the boy shiver and pulled the covers up around them. Then closing his eyes he fell asleep with his arm around Gemlin’s waist.