At the Back of Science Class

ImageOkay, this is original fiction written by me (JT Woodruff.) and Abby (Magichoney).
Hope you like!
DISCLAIMER: The plot, characters, storyline etc. are the sole property and invention of the authors, and are 100% fiction.
  1. Alarm Clocks.
    Cue tedious ringing noises....
  2. Lacey's 1st day
    first school day.... Joy
  3. Jonathon Parker; Superman
    Zacky's one hell of a moody git.
  4. My hero?!?!?!
    Come to my rescue have you?
  5. Slamming Your Heads Together
    Anger problems.
  6. Singing,Scruffiness, Shooting daggers
    Lacey singing? What the?
  7. Assumptions. And Idiots.
  8. Foot prints in the snow
    Let the snow cover the world and make everything pure agian
  9. Instant Messenger!
  10. All we need is some one wearing green
    and we got us a traffic light.
  11. Big Boys Don't Cry.
    Ooh, emotional...
  12. Suprise, Suprise, Suprise its Mr. wonderful
  13. I Kissed A Girl And I Liked It.
    Katy Perry bbe.
  14. Blush
    red cheeks
  15. Who Said That It's Better To Have Loved And Lost?
    I wish that I had never loved at all.
  16. Wishing on a star gets you nowhere
    so why do people do it?