At the Back of Science Class


When he placed those lips on me, I felt over the moon. He pulled away quickly and ran off. I jumped up after a few seconds and took off after him. I was a quick sprinter, everyone at my old school knew it. I raced around the corner and knocked on his door. He slowly opened the heavy door and looked at my flustered cheeks. I blushed even redder. “Come talk to me.” She said, walking to the field close to his house. I heard him sighed and when I heard the snow crunch under his feet I blushed.

“Why did you kiss me?” I asked. “Wait that was a stupid question. Why do you like me?” I asked. “Cause you’re smart, funny, and..... pretty.” He said quietly. I looked at him. “Well, I have a Christmas gift for you. I know it’s early but hey...” I said shrugging. “Close your eyes.” And I placed a gently kiss on his lips. “I have to go.” I said, running off to my house. I slammed to door shut. “Don’t answer the door Please!” I cried, running up to my bedroom.

“I don't even like him do i?” She asked looking up at the winter sky. “No, that's a lie, I do...”
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Writers block, how i hate it. =[