At the Back of Science Class

My hero?!?!?!

I sat on the bench crying, my tears, hot on my cold checks as they trickled down my face. I felt someone sit down next to me, but I didn’t dare look up, in case I got laughed at. I kept sobbing till I heard a voice. “Lacey, are you ok?” I couldn’t help but wonder who it was. I slowly whipped the tears away from my face and looked up. My cheeks were flustered and my face hot but I couldn’t care less. I saw the odd boy I was sat next to in science. “What do you want!?” I hissed. I saw two boy spill out laughing in one corner.

I got to my feet and stormed over. “You think this is funny do you!” I cried, kicking one of them hard in the shine. I looked back at the boy on the bench and ran off crying, my tears splashing onto the floor. I ran over to the field and climbed the biggest and hardest tree I could find. I found a safe route up it and sat there, crying my eyes out. I didn’t care if I missed my next lesson.

Those boys were taking the mick, laughing at the girl that had NO FRIENDS, the NEW GIRL, the LONER. I hissed and climbed a bit higher and sat down on the fattest branch hooking my bag to one of the branches. I got out my book are just made a list of emotions I was feeling. I then started to count to 50, slowly breathing in and out. I looked up into the sky, would I ever have a friend?
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Sorry its a bit short, next time Sav give me a bit more to go on. =] Thanks :)