At the Back of Science Class

Instant Messenger!

I walked in and slammed my bedroom door shut. I flicked on my CD player and shoved in my new Forever The Sickest Kids CD. I turned the volume up as loud as it would go, not caring that my older sister Riley would come in and shout at me until I turned it down. She’s looked after me for as long as I can remember, my parents have never been around. Riley says they died when we were both very small, and we were put into care, but kept together. So now she looks after me.
Surprisingly, she never came up. I turned on the computer and quickly logged into my instant messenger. I sat for a few minutes, contemplating what to do, when a message popped up in the corner of my screen ‘Zacky Baby! has logged in’ Oh yay. A conversation window materialised from nowhere.

Zacky Baby! says:
Heya Jon! You up for a spot of shopping tomorrow?

Jon says:
Zack, you girl. But hey, I’m not doing anything.

Zacky Baby! says:
Oi! Great! I’ll come get you at 10-ish, yeah?

Jon says:
Yeah, that’s fine. Is Pat going?

Zacky Baby! says:
Don’t know. I’ll ask him.

Another message appeared in the bottom corner of my screen ‘Tricky! That’s me! has logged in’

Jon says:
Speak of the devil.

Tricky! That’s me! has been added to the conversation.

The conversation carried on like this for at least an hour, until Zack was dragged to bed by his sister. I decided then would be good time to go myself. I said a quick goodbye to Trick and then turned off the CD player.
I stripped down to my boxers and climbed into bed. Call me lazy, but pyjamas aren’t really my best friends. I drifted away into a dreamless sleep.

My phone alarm rang in my ear so I pressed a few buttons and it shut up. I clambered out of bed, groaning when I looked in the mirror. As always, my hair was a total mess.
I raided my wardrobe and picked out my yellow skinny jeans and a random white shirt. I thought about a tie but decided against it very quickly. I pulled on a pair of Converse and headed to the bathroom. I brushed my hair slightly and brushed my teeth before quickly washing my face. As if on cue, there was a hammer on the door.
I bounded down the stairs, grabbing my wallet from the dining room table as I went, and opened the door. Zack and Patrick were stood there, shivering in the brilliant white surroundings of snow coated Chicago.
“You ready?” Patrick asked. I nodded in reply before stepping out and closing the door after me.
We wandered aimlessly around town, stopping in every Hot Topic we saw.
I accidentally bumped into someone, but ignored him or her completely; Zack was dragging me into a music store, complaining he needed a new drum skin, or something as equally petty.
“Happy now?” I sighed as we left the store, Zack clutching a drum skin concealed in a plastic shopping bag. He nodded furiously and grinned like fool.
“Right, I’ve had enough of this.” Patrick announced, “I’m going home, I’m too cold. You two coming?” I shook my head and watched as Patrick and Zack disappeared into the thronging crowds. Peace at last.
I decided to go to the beach. God only knows why. Wait, even he probably doesn’t.
I kicked a few stones into the frozen rock pools, but failed completely in my mission to shatter them. I looked around, not expecting to see anyone.
Then I saw her.
I waved. She didn’t see me. She left me one option. Run at her like a total and utter idiot.
“Lacey! Lacey!” I cried, sprinting down the beach and grinding to a sudden halt in front of her.
“Uh… hey…” She said, a little taken aback “Why are you here?”
“I could ask you the same question.” I replied, grinning.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah, it snowed. XD
Now it's raining. Fail.
Hope you like!