Death Eaters... Forever?


He saw the hooded figure walking down the road long before it reached him. Parker walked behind the man, cow in tow. The gentle breeze set the trees on either side of the road to whispering, and Vaughn suddenly wished he was at home, huddled by the fire with his wife’s famous brew by his side.

“Come on, boy!” He shouted back to Parker. The young boy in question was well built, tall and handsome. However, long years of beatings weighed him down, so now his back seemed forever bent, and his eyes never looked up from his feet.

However, Vaughn didn’t see this. Instead, he saw a lazy, impertinent son lagging behind with the cow. Stopping to wait, Vaughn looked up the road again, seeing the figure in the black cloak nearing them, nearly gliding with gracefulness.

Vaughn looked back at the boy, and when he was close enough, he smacked Parker’s cheek, sending him sprawling in the dirt.

“Don’t you dare lag behind, you hear me?” He kicked the boy in the ribs, causing a satisfying groan from the useless lump.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” A distinctly female voice spoke quietly in his ear. He spun around, and there was the hooded figure. However, she was hooded no longer, and Vaughn could now make out a stunning young woman of about twenty four. He leered at her.

“What are you gonna do, love?” She reeled back at this last word, as if he’d struck her.

“Parker, come with me. This man has been hiding your real heritage for a long time now, and it’s about time you realised your potential.”

“Witch!” Vaughn spat in disgust. “How dare you-!”

“What I do is my own business. Obliviate.” She waved a lacquered stick confidently, and the man fell to the ground, unconscious. The woman then pulled her hood back up and tied the poor cow to a nearby tree. Seemingly as an afterthought, she reached down to pull Parker up.

He was stunned by all this, and could not move. After appraising him with dark green eyes, she simply took his hand, put her wand away, and Apparated.

I wonder who Dumbledore will tell me to find next? She wondered, bored with being the messenger. Ah well, it’s a good distraction.

.:From what, I wonder?:.

.:None of your business, Tom:. Kyera Esheron Wilson replied.
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I set it up for a sequel, which I will start later. Sorry guys, it might be quite a wait!! (But if you comment lots, and send me lots of messages, I might decide to start it sooner!!)