Status: inactive

Unholy Confessions of Rayne

Money, Money, Yeah Yeah!

I rolled over and whacked my head on the bed leg. Wait, the bed leg? I opened my eyes and felt the pain in my back as I sat up and realized that I was on the floor. I groaned, knowing that the back pain was going to slow me down from getting to work on time. I heard a distant yawn from the bed,
“Rayne? Rayne where’d you go?” he mumbled. I could hear him patting around on the bed to feel for me.
“Down here” I called. His head popped up from the edge of the bed.
“How’d you get down there?” he asked.
“The hell if I know. My back kills” I said.
“I’m sorry” he said. He slowly found the floor with his feet and lifted me into his arms while letting out another yawn.
“TO THE KITCHEN – AWAY!!!” he yelled. I heard an annoyed groan from the room next to us.
“Yes! I succeeded in waking up the house elf” he said happily.
I laughed and put my head on his chest as he carried me down the stairs.
“Brian I’m going to be late for work” I said. There was a knock at the door.
“Brian, put me down so I can answer that” I said. He set me down on the floor and I dashed over to the door. I made sure that my bra wasn’t showing from under my tank top or anything, and then I looked through the peephole. It was a man in a suit. Yippee, I love men in suits… I opened the door.
“Is this the residence of a Ms. Rayne Grohl?” the man asked.
“Yes” I said.
“I have found the will” he said.
“Great” I retorted. I turned back and Brian was giving me a confused look. I stepped outside and shut the door.
“Your brother’s will was set” he said.
“Okay” I said sheepishly. I didn’t really want anything to do with my brother. My half brother that had died about 5 months ago. We hadn’t got along.
“And I get…?” I questioned blankly. Whatever I got, Brian was going to question how I got it. And I wasn’t ready to tell him about my brother quite yet.
“Approximately $10,000” he said. I lit up at that.
“So, do I get this money now?” I asked.
“Yes. We have the check right here. Just sign on the dotted line and it’s yours” he said. Why the fuck is the line always dotted?? I took the pen that was attached to the clipboard and signed as fast as I could. He held out a check and I snatched it gratefully.
“Thank you, Ms. Smith” he said. I didn’t reply and just ran back inside the house.
“What was that all about?” Brian asked.
“I got money!” I said, dancing and showing off the check.
“For what?” he asked.
“Can’t tell you; its personal family business” I said. That wasn’t the complete truth, but it wasn’t a lie, either. He gave me another ‘look’ and then nodded slowly.
“How much?” he asked.
“Ten grand. Not much, just enough to get me a new engine put in my car and maybe a new outfit” I said. Brian kissed my forehead and put his arm around my shoulders.
“Work” he whispered. Gahhhhh…
“I’ve got to go, hun. I’ll see you later” I said. I ran upstairs, brushed my hair, put on some makeup, threw on my work clothes, and then hauled ass downstairs to the garage. I started up Brian’s other car (the one I was currently using since the engine blew on mine) and pulled out onto the pavement. I turned on the radio and blared it just to piss people off as I drove to work. I was in a good mood, for the most part. But I had just gotten rid of the thought of my brother when that man showed up. Oh well, at least I got a little bit of cash off of it. I got to work 15 minutes late and hopped the counter to check in.
“Late again, Grohl!” my boss called. He’s such an ass, but I wasn’t going to complain because he filled out my paycheck.
“Sorry, boss. I had a meeting with a man about my brother” I called.
“Oh” he said. Even though I didn’t really like him, he knew just about everything that I’d been through. “Hey Grohl” he said. I looked over at him and he held a magazine in his hand.
“You didn’t tell me that you were dating Gates” he said. He held out the page clearly so I could see that in fact there was a picture of me and Brian holding hands and kissing at the mall.
“Damn paparazzi” I said. Boss threw his head back and laughed.
“Nice work” he said. I laughed; I didn’t know what he meant by that, and I didn’t want to know honestly. I just checked in and then sat back on the chair behind the register and rested my feet up on the counter.
It was a boring day. We had about 3 customers my whole shift and I did nothing but listen to the music being played in the store and then playing cards with C.J after lunch. After shift I drove to my mechanic to tell him that I could replace my engine, and then I drove home to be with my boyfriend. I opened the door and no one seemed to be there.
“Hello?” I asked, throwing my work shirt down. I walked back to the laundry room and put on a pair of blue plaid PJ shorts and then walked out back to find Brian and Jimmy swimming.
“Hey boys” I called.
“Baby!” Brian shouted. He got out of the pool and ran out. He held his arms out for a hug but I rejected; I didn’t feel like getting soaked tonight. I just pecked him on the lips and sat back in a chair.
“How was work, Ray?” Jimmy asked.
“Boring as hell” I said.
“Really?” Brian asked, pretending to be interested. I threw my flip flop at him. “What was that for?” he asked.
“For being a dumbass” I said between giggles. He came over and lifted me up.
“NO” I said sternly. It wasn’t going to work. He jumped back into the pool with me in his arms. Thank goodness I didn’t have anything in my pockets. I resurfaced and all I heard was Jimmy and Brian’s hysterical laughter. I was guessing that the laughter was because of the glare I was giving Brian. I striped off my shorts and tank top and threw them out onto the concrete.
“Woo! Go Ray!” yelled Jimmy. I rolled my eyes and Brian swam over and captured me in his arms.
“Brian loves you” he said quietly into my ear.
“Rayne loves Brian” I played along. He smiled into my ear and then got a better grip on my body.
“Let’s play Marco Polo you guys!” said Jimmy.
“Okay!” Brian shouted. He let me go.
“Jimmy goes first” I said.
“Okay” he said. He closed his eyes and faced the opposite direction.
“Marco” he said. I swam farther away from him.
Damn, I have retarded friends.
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yes i know its not off to a very exciting start
but it will get better!!! I PROMISE!!!
plz people it doesn't kill 2 comment
i want 4 before i update next plz