Ganked: Life Bitten And Taken

Saving a Life or Two

Back To Riley's P.O.V.

I had finally stopped crying when the door to the dungeon opened, and in walked a vampire. His eyes, at least, didn't look hungry. He gracefully walked down the steps and stopped in front of my cage to looked down at me.

"I'm sorry, little princess. This room isn't exactly as great and royal looking as you've become accustomed to, but I'm afraid it will have to do for now." He teased with a wicked smirk, then just continued on past me, further down into the dungeon until he disappeared into the darkness. I heard screaming. A woman's screams, and it got louder until the man who passed me reappeared, dragging a tan pregnant woman behind him. She looked like she was going to pop at any minute.

"Stop! Stop that!" I ran to the bars and reached out as he passed me, grabbing onto his shirt. "What are you doing with her?!"

"Hands off me!" He slapped my hand away, but stayed where he was, with the crying woman on the ground. "She is my breakfast." He smirked wickedly, his eyes turning black and red, just like the rest of those goddamn bloodsuckers. "Pregnant women have the most delicious blood, since their hormones are stronger than the average woman." He grabbed the woman by the hair and brought her to her feet, smelling her neck, then looking back at me. "They drive me crazy." His fangs came out and the woman shrieked as he came closer to her neck. I swear to God he was going to bite her right there and then.

"Stop! Please! Don't kill her! I'll do anything!" I screamed, knowing what the consequences might be, but I didn't care. I would be saving two lives if I did it.

The man stopped, and looked at me. "I'm sorry princess. I have direct orders not to hurt you...yet. You'll have to wait your turn like all the other pathetic humans." He moved closer to her.

"No one has to know!" I shouted quickly, noticing that that got his attention. "I'm sure you have a hidden spot in this place you can take me to. You can suck me until I can't stand then throw me back in here. Just please don't hurt her."

He glared at me. "Why does she matter to you?"

"She' best friend's wife." I blurted out, the woman looking at me like she understood what I was trying to do.

"Your best friend? Please. Your lover is a vampire." The man chuckled darkly.

"But it hasn't always been that way! It was just four months ago that I was living with humans and werewolves alike. Then I got injured, and Kane saved me. That's how I ended up in his care. My friends thought I was dead."

"Yes! What she's saying is the truth!" The woman cried out.

"Shut up!" He shook her hair, causing her more pain.

"Chase!" I hadn't even noticed another man had walked into the dungeon. "Stop playing around! Those screams are getting irritating! The boss said to give the girl what she wants. They'll both be dead soon anyway."

Chase growled and opened my cage, tossing the woman into me and making me fall backwards, but at least I caught her so she wouldn't land on her stomach. "Fine! I'll come back for you later, wench." He said with malice dripping from his words as he spoke to the woman I caught, then he and his friend left the dungeon.

"Are you ok?" I asked the trembling woman, who was getting off of me now. I sat up and took hold of her shoulders, bringing her head into my shoulder so she could cry.

"I'm fine. Thank you so much." The woman was actually about nineteen or twenty. Pretty young to have a baby. "But...I'm afraid...your efforts are useless. Korinth will not let us leave here alive." The girl sniffled.

I just smiled. "I wouldn't worry. My friends will come to get me, and when they do, they will set us both free."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because. I have friends in high places." I stroked the girl's hair. "So. How did you end up here?"

The girl sat up, resting back against the wall my cage was bolted to, resting a hand on her huge belly. "My fiance was trying to get me out of our house which was right in the middle of the battlefield. But it had already started. The Katherone wanted to use our house as a safe zone, and when they found us rushing to get out, they killed my fiance-" She paused for a moment, unable to contain her tears "and they took me here." She looked to me with the saddest, most hopeless eyes I have ever seen. "I have no where to go now."

I sat up against the wall next to her, wrapping my arm around her shoulder, and looking up to the ceiling with my head resting against hers. "You know, when we get out of here, you can come live with me and Kane, if you want. I know you werewolves and vampires don't get along too well, but Kane and the boys are really nice. Well, Devin likes to tease, and Terrence keeps to himself, but Kane and Aaron are really friendly."

She seemed to have a weight taken off her heart, but a smile still would not surface. "That would be wonderful." She said softly before closing her eyes.

I watched the ceiling, just thinking. Kane will come get me. I know he will.......I wonder how Jason and Kasey are doing....