Ganked: Life Bitten And Taken

Love is a Confusing Situation

I sat on the front steps of Kasey and Jason's mansion, cradling the tiny Natasha in my arms. The sun was setting, and the baby had just finished her bottle and was starting to fall asleep.

"Hey." Jason came from the house and sat down close next to me, looking down at her. "She's adorable."

I smiled and pulled her blanket further up to her neck due to the cool breeze that had just blown in. "I know it. Natasha must be so happy with the little miracle she and the love of her life created." I glanced over at Jason. He seemed troubled. "What's wrong?"

"Well..." He seemed hesitant to answer. "Natasha is a werewolf, you know that, right?" He glanced down at the baby, then back at me.

"Yes, I know."

"Well you aren't planning on living with Kane for the rest of your life, are you?"

I looked back down at Natasha, who had her tiny, sleepy eyes on Jason. "I don't have anywhere else to go, Jason." I said softly.

"That's not true, Riley. You can live here with us. Mom's happy to see you again, you know. She missed you when we left."

"I don't know Jason...I have to think about it."

"What's there to think about?"

"Kane. He loves me you know. He wants to take care of me, and the baby." I looked over at Jason and watched the pain creep up on his face.

"I love you too, Riley," he said so softly I almost didn't hear it.

"I know, but he loves me like a relationship love, not-"

"I love you that way too."

My eyes widened in shock, and I fell silent.

"Do you remember when we first met? You were crying under the steps because Timothy Halder was making fun of you for making mud balls?"

I slowly nodded.

"I pulled you out from under the steps and when I saw that you were crying all I wanted to do was protect you from there on out." He smirked slightly and huffed. "I loved you before I even knew what love was."

I looked down at Natasha, not knowing what to say. My heart was jumping for joy, pounding in my chest like a hammer. Why did I feel this way? Was I really in love with Jason? But...I thought I loved Kane...I'm so confused!

"Riley." Jason said my name as he slipped his index and middle finger under my chin, and turned my head to look at him. His face was so close to mine. My cheeks heated up, and my heart skipped a beat. Suddenly, his lips were on mine. They were so soft and gentle...and warm. It felt so right. It fit. But before I could kiss him back, we heard the door open up behind us. We both looked to see who it was, breaking the kiss.

"Kane." I whispered, and he glared angrily, viciously at Jason.

"Riley, go inside," he ordered, his eyes never leaving Jason.

"No." I shook my head and stood up, walking up to the top of the stairs to stand in front of Kane. "We're both going inside." I looked up into his eyes. Though my voice sounded brave, my eyes showed my fear. I knew what Kane wanted to do, and I also knew Jason wanted to do the same to Kane.

Suddenly Jason was right behind me, so close I could feel his shirt touch mine. "You shouldn't order her around like she's your slave." I glanced back at Jason, seeing the anger in his matching Kane's.

Kane growled deeply, his hands balling up into fists. "I don't-"

"Stop it both of you." I looked from Kane to Jason.

They both looked down at short little me, both with the look of 'why are you protecting him?'. "There won't be any fighting here."

"Fine." Kane wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me into him. I held onto Natasha, making sure I wouldn't drop her.

"She doesn't love you." My heart stopped, hearing Jason's words.

Kane paused, then walked me into the house...and left me there in the entrance way with the baby in my arms. I ran around the mansion until I found Jamie. "Take care of her for me will you?"

"What's wrong Riley?" She asked, taking Natasha from my hands gently, trying not to wake her.

"I'll tell you later!" I said, running off to the door. I walked out front and saw a giant wolf biting down on Kane's arm. "Stop it!" I ran to them, but Kane had opened Jason's mouth forcefully, and pushed away. Then Kane had his arms around his neck, with Jason snapping wildly at him. I ran up to Kane and grabbed onto his arms when I suddenly felt a sharp pain around my torso. I looked down, my eyes wide and unable to scream, and I was bleeding in a sideways U. I fell to my knees, and I couldn't breathe. I fell forward, my hands straightening out in front of me to brace myself, but they just bent at the elbows under the pressure, and I quickly twisted so I would land on my back instead of my face.

"Riley!" Kane had let go of Jason and was instantly at my side.

I felt like I had fluid in my lungs, and all I could do was swallow back the blood that jumped to my throat. I tried to breathe, but I couldn't. My eyes felt heavy, and I started to close them, Kane's frantic voice becoming distant until all that was left was darkness, and silence. I blacked out.